Advice needed about Angel Fish

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Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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I have been offered two angel fish by my grandads friend , they are not fully grown but are terrorising the other fish and have killed four of them. They are currently kept in a small tank could this be the reason why they are being so nasty. If i took them off him would they be ok in a 125l tank. Would they be able to be kept with 2 female mollies and a female swordtail and a tiger plec or not i currently have 8 male guppies in there but i can put them in another tank. Sorry about all the questions but i need some advice before i get them.
from the sounds of it, these angelfish have paired up and may be this point they would be best of in a tank of their own...i think there would definatly be problems adding them to your tank, sorry
Ok im not sure if hes got one or two angels, got a feeling its only one,if i put my mollies, swordtail and guppies in my other tanks and leave the plec in ther would it be ok. If it is a single anglefish could he have set up a territory in his current tank and that is why it is being aggressive and that is why he has killed 4 other fish. I have never seen the tank but have heard it is full of fish and fry.
one of the angels may be just fine in that tank with the other inhabitants..however it may try to attack the guppies, etc ...i think only you will be able to tell ...regardless i would think the pleco would be just fine with the angelfish
ya, the pleco would be fine. cept all mine are peacful angels, they are as peaceful as there name. they help each other, they aren't picky eaters. mine can get along with mollies!
Thanks for all your help i will give it a go if it is a single angel i will try it with my 2 mollies and swordtail and then see what happens and put the guppies in another tank. I did go to my lfs the other day and there was a tank full of angels and guppies and they seemed happy no aggression at all weird huh. Hopefully i can go and pick it up next week not far from were i live about 20min car drive. One more question how would be the best way to transport it, should i bag it up, put it in a small 5g plastic tank. Or in a bucket. :unsure:
just FYI i keep my angels with guppies too so far, but the angels are still only 2" or so...and no problems yet...i have just heard that they MAY nip the guppies in the future..

5g bucket or bag...hmm...i think either would work..the bag probably being the better choice to minimize movement from the water sloshing around...good luck, let us know how it goes!
Thanks for all your advice i guess all fish have different temperaments. i will let you know how i get on probably wont get it till middle of next week as i am working tomorrow. Fingers crossed it goes ok hopefully it will be less aggressive in a bigger tank. It will be my first angel fish so hopefully it will be ok tank is fully cycled nitrite is 0 as is ammonia. Thanks again i will go to my lfs tomorrow and get a fish bag.

yeah I dont get it either I have 3 angels in a tank with a molly 5 zebras 5 neons 2 gouramis 2 chine algae eaters I did have four baby tiger barbs in there and i had to give em to a friend cause they were all over the angels, the angels are tiny about the size length of the neons but very placid maybe because of their size? I did keep one tiger barb, also a baby and he thinks hes a tetra, dont know if that s normal but they are all young fish. the barb swims with the neons but when he had his pack with the other three I got rid of they were terrors and they were TINY smaller than the neons, but were tough
ILL post one it may take me a while to figure out but yeah the pet store I went to had tiny ones at petsmart, tiny little guys 2 out of three are a bit bigger gut ones is tiny, unless my tetras are big??hes gotta be one inch, why is that weird?
I dont know how to put a pic on here yet, i tried to cut and ppaste but i dont know the only way i know how is to email, but if u can tell me how Id like to know for future reference
Cause they'll grow to be 6" and you usualy get them at at least 1.5-2" at most fish stores (which is larger than a neon). Also, that mix of fish will eventualy cause you problems. The angels may eat the neons, the chinese algae eaters WILL eventualy grow (up to 10") and may attack the angels, gouramies, each other and possibly any small fish and, if 2 of those angels pair up, they'll terrorize the third. Just a warning though you've probably got time before any problems begin to arise.

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