Advice For My Poor Little Plakat


Apr 22, 2005
Reaction score
Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK
Hi all

My favourite fish in the whole world (Flash the male Plakat :wub: ) has in the last week got a bump with a very light simey coating on his left side just behind his gills. It has since lost the coating but the bump is still there. :(

Being the kind of worried owner I am I don't know if I'm seeing things but his eyes do look a little bit puffy, as I say I may be imagining it but one thing I have noticed is he has been rubbing himself against the side of the tank (on the side with the bump) a couple of times.

I've treated the tank with a dose of melafix but just wondered what people suggest?

About 2 months ago he was badly attacked by a couple of fish (which I immediately sold) and after recovering he as seemed fine, obviously apart from the above which is a recent thing.

Any advice would be appreciated!
sounds like it could be an internal infection, cyst or a tumour.

my bruce has a large tumour on it's side, he's a old boy and doesn't seem in pain, but his eyes have gone puffy too, and according to other people who've had bettas with tumours those two things seem to go hand in hand. there is no real cure for tumours. just keep their water good and clean and the fish comfortable. indian almond leaf would be a big plus too.

the bump couldn't be associated with his stomach could it?

any chance of an attempt at a pic?
His eyes are swollen right???

If so he's got popeye. . . .Ampicillin and keep on his water changes.

As for the bump on his side - could be a tumor and yeh don't know of a cure for that.

Good luck!

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