advice for lfs job


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
new jersey
hi yall today im gonna call my local lfs and ask for a job. the problem is that im 15, i'll be 16 in nine months. is there any way i can persuade them to let me apply? need some advice please respond!
If you want the job more than the pay, you could always talk to them about volunteering. I started volunteering at our LFS when I was 13 and by the time I was 17, I was the manager, and at 18 I was offered 50%. If you offer to do grunt jobs like water changes, you'll at least have your foot in the door. I think if you are really interested in the job, it will show, and by the time you are 16, they'll be more than happy to hire you on.
Don't call...!! go in and have a very good conversation with the staff and management so you don't appear to be just another "kid" that wants to work with animals. I wish you the best of luck!

ALASKA you don't actually want to work there at all and you're jsut trying to confuse us?? :S
there's nowt wrong with ditzy old ladies though, you can have funny conversations with them.
uh...well if you arent prepared to talk to these ditzy old ladies, how do you expect to work with them?
o they seem nice but i mean 1 didn't know how to sex a platy. i rele do want to work there
jams.alaskan said:
Don't call...!! go in and have a very good conversation with the staff and management so you don't appear to be just another "kid" that wants to work with animals. I wish you the best of luck!

That's exactly what I did and got the job. :D It helps to have some knowledge of fish keeping as well besides just the basics. Unfortunately for me, they had to do layoffs and as I was the last one hired, first one to go. :(
i plan on calling and seeing what they say if they let me have like a training day i plan on going in tomorrow to buy supplies anyway so
i got a job at the lfs just by talking to the owner too...the lfs is around the corner from my school and i used to go in there everyday, after a couple of months the owner offered me a job :)

Just talk to them!
but all the pl that work there are ditzy old ladies and ditzy ladies

o they seem nice but i mean 1 didn't know how to sex a platy. i rele do want to work there

You me be suprised they may seem like that but i bet if you play yor cards right ( they know some stuff )and get a park time or full time job they will teach you.

go fot it :thumbs:
slamster17 said:
i plan on calling and seeing what they say if they let me have like a training day i plan on going in tomorrow to buy supplies anyway so

go down talk to the poeple, ask if a manager is available and talk with him. offer to volunteer, if your good I'm sure they will hire you after you turn 16

I did kinda that, but somewhere else, I was fasinated by welding (guy across the street did lots in his garage and would let me grab a mask and watch)
so I went to the wleding shop that he worked at when I was 15, said I think its neat or something and asked if I could clean up and stuff untill I was 16, they said sure, and was even paid some cash.
I turned 16 I got me a sin and signed the paper, and they got me welding, I had learnt enough in the time watching and "working: there that I caught on real fast and was soon certified for doing most stuff. and paid very well.

and now I can weld anything thats metalic (whoever says you cant weld some brake pads together is lieing, but wear a resperator trying)
Im 14, do you think my local petsmart would let me volunteer to work or even for merchandise?

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