Advice About Stocking Options


New Member
Dec 1, 2008
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hi all.
i have recently taken up fishkeeping and am really enjoying it . my tank is fully cycled and has been for the last week or two, its a 70 litre tank currently holding.
3 neon tetras
3 black tetras
5 white cloud minnows
2 peppered corys

i want too add more fish but i dont want anything over "1 i would also like it if they had little impact on the bio load and obviouslly have to get on with the others.
i am not going to be buying them for at least a fortnight as i added the cloud minnows and corys on tuesday just gone.
all suggestions are very much appreciated
Well you should really double the amount of neons you have in there at least as they are a shoaling fish and need to feel secure in numbers. You could add some small rasboros,endlers,even black neon tetras maybe.
hi all.
i have recently taken up fishkeeping and am really enjoying it . my tank is fully cycled and has been for the last week or two, its a 70 litre tank currently holding.
3 neon tetras double these numbers
3 black tetras double
5 white cloud minnows add one
2 peppered corys add 4 (same or similar species)

all answers in bold :)
Well you should really double the amount of neons you have in there at least as they are a shoaling fish and need to feel secure in numbers. You could add some small rasboros,endlers,even black neon tetras maybe.

my neons shoal with the cloud minnows but i will double the numbers of both the neons and black tetras

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