Advanced Marine Aquarist Forum?


New Member
Jul 18, 2005
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My question is this ......

Any chance of putting together another forum or changing one of the current ones to advanced topics, i.e. care/husbandery of reef fish, threads for discussion about specific coral types etc, Marine specific DIY projects/mods/builds etc.

I'm pretty new to this forum and i've been trying to wade through all the "Help i'm a nemo noob!" threads in search of something interesting to read, but so far i haven't found anything.


Posted this here, but was told to shift it to here >>
To be honest I would like to see an advanced forum that combined both FW and Marine topics. The cross over of information betweent hte two can be extremely interesting.

Most topics of more advanced information get lost in the general natter of the forum, however it would mean going against the general lines of the forum that you don't get a new forum until there is a need for the forum due to heavy posting and traffic of that type.

That said, one of mine did end up in the FAQ...

It ends up catch 22, not much chance of posts without the forum, not much chance of the forum without the posts.
A good idea, and one that would give some more indepth discussion to FW and Marine topics, rather than the normal questions posted day after day. Maybe such forums, in both FW and SW areas would encourage older, more experienced reefers/fishkeepers to join in and share more detailed info, which is far more stimulating.
Whilst I don't really visit the Marine section of this forum, i have noticed that the Tropical section has chit chat, emergencies, beginners, planted and a section for each type of fish, where as
marine seem to have just chit chat and one for all the fish.
I'd love to see something along those lines!

Btw voo, it's common for a forum to downsize, or even leave out, the saltwater section. So few people keep a saltwater tank compared to freshwater, so of course the fw section should be the biggest. But for me, and others mainly into saltwater, it's a real downer.
Marine section just aint big enough to merit another section IMO :/

I don't know how many posts are made a day but i bet it's less than 50

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