Adult Cherry Shrimp Wanted!


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2011
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Hey guys, after some good sized adult cherry shrimp to live in my tanks, paid a bomb at my LFS for some juvis and only have 2 left so preferably want some that arent going to be targetted as much until I can find a space for them in their own tank.

If anyone has any excess in Bristol or close-by then let me know please and I'll take them off your hands!

Thanks very much guys :good:
Cant help you out with adults but if you want any more juvis i have found someone who does 20 for 50p each with free delivery and are cheaper if you order more.
Ah really? Mind letting me know who these guys are please? I could try more Juvis now Ive bought a heap more moss, thought my Cabomba jungle would of been enough cover but clearly not!

Have you got a email mate and i will send the details over, dont want to post it here as its phone number.
I'm about to be in the market for some cherries (well, soonish). Sounds like they have loads. Any chance I can get the details too?

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