Ad's Low-Ish Tech 54L


Marine Enthusiast!
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Kidderminster, Worcs
Hi guys, I cant seem to stay away from plants, so I have decided to turn my 54litre rekord 60 from a shelldweller tank to a reasonably low-tech planted :D

>60cm jewel rekord 54litre

>15w of t6 lighting

>Tropica substrate+scattered trace element powder, with Oli Knotts Nature soil, all capped with black gravel

>EasyCarbo dosed daily(in the past i have found this really helps, so i want to use it again)

>TPN+ dosed daily(will be changing this to longer period of time, or stop completely)

>Filtration is by standard jewel internal filter, no extra powerhead, as I dont see the need for one at this stage.


rotala rotundifolia
crypt undalata
crypt wendtii "green"
crypt wendtii "brown"
anubias nana
java fern "narrow"

Fish wise, I have currently got a bn plec(about 2") in the tank, and my sparkling gourami, I hope to be getting a nice shoal of neon tetras, and then taking it from there really...





ps. Images are sub-edits, i am currently getting used to my new camera, so, taking things a step at a time.
Ha, ha! You try, but you cannot stay away! It looks very pretty. But you know me, I'm not biased towards low light tanks at all! Not one bit! :lol: You'll like it, much less maintenance.

I still beat you with 28W over 36g. Though I will give you some credit, my bulbs are t5s.
Ha, ha! You try, but you cannot stay away! It looks very pretty. But you know me, I'm not biased towards low light tanks at all! Not one bit! :lol: You'll like it, much less maintenance.

I still beat you with 28W over 36g. Though I will give you some credit, my bulbs are t5s.

I may change the rotala rotundifolia over time if that is too much of a chore to trim back, but, its looking good atm, made a couple of changes already, ie. the introduction of more anubias(first lot rotted-apparently there is a disease which affects them) and some vallis, to cover the jewel internal.. i will get a shot of the rams i brought yesterday, too.

and thankyou truck, cant wait to see your setup for the dp's!

looks good Adam!

here is a pic of the Bolivain rams i picked up yesterday, they are still fairly timid, but are a lovely colour:


I plan to get a shoal of 10 neons and some freshwater gobies to go with them, should look nice, eventually.

looks like you got a male and female as well. I bought a pair of these last week, and their colours are now full on. By the way what do you use for anchoring your plants?
looks like you got a male and female as well. I bought a pair of these last week, and their colours are now full on. By the way what do you use for anchoring your plants?
nothing anchors the plants but their roots, using led strips harms the growth of plants.

right, see i have sand sub, and 6 cory's. I'm struggling to keep them all planted. I was gonna buy some lead strips, theres nowt else i could use?
gosh, i really enjoy bolivians

i have seen more and more people on the forum with them
they have the most character out of any fish i have ever had!

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