Marine Enthusiast!
Hi guys, I cant seem to stay away from plants, so I have decided to turn my 54litre rekord 60 from a shelldweller tank to a reasonably low-tech planted
>60cm jewel rekord 54litre
>15w of t6 lighting
>Tropica substrate+scattered trace element powder, with Oli Knotts Nature soil, all capped with black gravel
>EasyCarbo dosed daily(in the past i have found this really helps, so i want to use it again)
>TPN+ dosed daily(will be changing this to longer period of time, or stop completely)
>Filtration is by standard jewel internal filter, no extra powerhead, as I dont see the need for one at this stage.
rotala rotundifolia
crypt undalata
crypt wendtii "green"
crypt wendtii "brown"
anubias nana
java fern "narrow"
Fish wise, I have currently got a bn plec(about 2") in the tank, and my sparkling gourami, I hope to be getting a nice shoal of neon tetras, and then taking it from there really...
ps. Images are sub-edits, i am currently getting used to my new camera, so, taking things a step at a time.
>60cm jewel rekord 54litre
>15w of t6 lighting
>Tropica substrate+scattered trace element powder, with Oli Knotts Nature soil, all capped with black gravel
>EasyCarbo dosed daily(in the past i have found this really helps, so i want to use it again)
>TPN+ dosed daily(will be changing this to longer period of time, or stop completely)
>Filtration is by standard jewel internal filter, no extra powerhead, as I dont see the need for one at this stage.
rotala rotundifolia
crypt undalata
crypt wendtii "green"
crypt wendtii "brown"
anubias nana
java fern "narrow"
Fish wise, I have currently got a bn plec(about 2") in the tank, and my sparkling gourami, I hope to be getting a nice shoal of neon tetras, and then taking it from there really...
ps. Images are sub-edits, i am currently getting used to my new camera, so, taking things a step at a time.