I'm quite concerned about this blue gourami female.
Don't yell me at for it, I know full well how dumb it is, but when the rainbow shark began to follow and harass the gourami in quarantine, I removed her and put her in my main 36g with the cories, plecs, 5 tetra, 2 guppies, 2 platies, and shrimp.
I know it's stupid, I should have set up another tank, but I took a calculated risk. I examined all the fish in a small bare tank before added them to QT, see nothing indicated disease beside being pale from stress, and they came from a neglected, forgotten tank, so nothing new added to it for a long time.
She hides away in the back all of the time. I figured she might pick off some shrimp, but there are enough in there that she'd need to be in there a long time to get them all, so I wasn't worried. I have been keeping a close eye that she doesn't go for the tetra/guppies/platies though.
I haven't seen her chase a thing, and that tank is in my bedroom, so I can see a lot of what happen even at night, with just a little light from my lamp, can see her come out of hiding and cruise around a bit. Her movements seem normal and natural for a gourami - not fin clamped at all.
But she's very shy. Hides away behind the wood pieces right at the back, which makes sense. There's lots of frogbit and some hortwort on the surface, plus some open space around the front and right side to swim. But even five days into the tank with plenty of clean fresh water, after coming from an abandoned tank, she hasn't coloured up well. Not as pale as when she first arrived, but that deep blue mottling they get and I've seen on her briefly isn't normally there. I will keep trying to get photos of her but as I said, she hides away during the day, rarely appearing and going into hiding if I approach the tank. Haven't seen her go for another fish, only eats what reaches the back at mealtimes, doesn't come out during feedings even with live food... and the paleness concerns me.
The previous owners, when I first talked about adopted the fish, said;
"Yes it’s a blue gourami, I get the feeling he could be on the way out though

so I’m not sure how much time you’d get with him. Then there’s a Rainbow shark, he’s quite a big boy now so would need to be in a bag on his own. The angels are from an old picture so I don’t actually have those anymore. The only others in there are 3 (or 4) corydora, and 1 or 2 ottocinclus algae eaters. Really sorry I can’t get better pictures of them all with the light how it is on the tank."
I never managed to find out what she meant by that, why she thought she was on her way out, but perhaps that's what I'm seeing? From what she said, I think she'd had the gourami and rainbow shark for around two years, so I don't think it's old age. Could still be adjusting too... they were in a neglected tank for a long time with super high nitrates, and it's only been five days after that and a big move...
Appreciate any thoughts from anyone! Tagging people I've love to hear from, who've chipped in thoughts on the thread and have kept fish like this before -
@Colin_T @GaryE @Byron @Wills @Slaphppy7 and even you,
While we don't agree on all fishkeeping topics, I do respect your thoughts on things like this!