Hi Polardbear
I'm so sorry.
You have certainly had a bad time with these beautiful corys! But it was just that particular batch, not all adolfois. I have them and they were healthy when I bought them and they are still healthy now, even though they were in one of the tanks that had some fish get sick.
Adolfois are one of the many, if not the majority, of corys that are usually wild caught. Being shipped around and transfered to different waters has got to be very hard on them and it's not at all uncommon for them to come into a lfs already sick. While some stores regularly quarantine or treat them with salt or other medicines, other ones don't. If the illness doesn't readily show on the outside, you can buy them without knowing it.
Lfs price their fish by what they think the market will bear, and this has nothing to do with how sensitive or hard to keep they are. Pandas, which are the hardest of all the species for me to keep, are relatively inexpensive, but my black corys (for which I just paid $300 for the 5 of them

) just spawned for me after being in my tank for less than two weeks. Well, so much for his theory!
Here's an old thread you might find interesting, at least the first part where it talks about how fish make their way from their native waters to your home.
It's a wonder any survive at all.
Your fish were sick when you bought them Polardbear, and you did the best you could to save them. They did not starve because you did not cater to their particular taste, but rather, they did not eat because they were ill.
I hope your other corys continue to thrive and to make you happy, and I hope you find some more adolfois soon. They are lovely fish and you really should have had better success with them.