Adolfois are flashing!


Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Chandler, Arizona U.S.A.
I've been watching the new Adolfois corys today and I'm seeing some flashing occasionally. Their gills look a little red as well. I'm wondering if I should treat for parasites? I've got Jungle Parasite Clear (praziquantel;N-{{(4-Chlorophenyl)amino}carbon 1}-2,6-diflourobenzamide:metronidazole;acriflavin) or Quick Cure (formalin & malachite green) on hand.

I've also been having fun trying to get them to eat. They've been constantly sifting the sand and scouring the plants and decorations looking for food but they turn their little noses up at flake, sinking pellets and frozen bloodworms. I did score a hit with some freeze dried tubifex worms, they went quite bonkers over those. I'm trying frozen baby brine shrimp next, hopefully they'll enjoy those as well. I want them to have some variety in their diets!
Hi Polardbear :)

It's possible that your corys have some kind of parasite, but the chances of them coming down with a bacterial infection are greater.

Since they are still new and in quarantine, I would wait and see what happens. It could be that they are coming down with one and that will need to be treated first. If you add medicine to the water now, if the diagnosis is bacterial, you will have to interrupt treatment, clear the water, and use a different medicine.

Since the bacterial infection is a more immediate and, for that matter, likely risk, it might be a good idea to postpone treatment for anything else until you are sure that's not the problem. :D
Thanks Inchworm. I can't believe how paranoid I'm being with these guys, I've spent so many hours staring at them since Saturday morning! This morning I've seen two of them flash a couple of times and the third one is being real quiet. The first two are real active, scouring everything but the third guy just sits for the most part. They did show a little interest in some flakes today but they still definately prefer tubifex. The quiet one looks pretty thin as well. He's got me worried.

They have some intersting habits. I've got some silk plants in the tank that have kind of stiff stems and branches, they almost look like little trees. The Adolfois sleep in the upper branches. Both mornings when I've turned on the lights I've had to search the tank for them only to find them calmly perched on leaves in the upper half of their little trees. They are so adorable.

Originally I was going to put them in a 10 gallon that I'd put dividers in and my bettas were living in but the B/F objected so I had to use a different tank. The tank I ended up putting them in had been housing a threesome of Paleatus corys that had been halfheartedly attempting to spawn. It didn't seem to be going anywhere so I moved them to another tank that had another threesome of Paleatus in it. The six of them are now very busy spawning. When I did a water change in the Adolfois tank this morning, much to my surpise I found 5 little bitty Paleatus fry hanging around the edges of the tank. I very carefully sucked them up with a turkey baster and put them in a 2 gallon tank. If this keeps up I'm going to be using tupperware to house fish again!
good luck with them :)

they look great - we have 4 after a rather sad time with them... We had 12 and over the course of 2 weeks 8 died... the rest at the shop died too so they are waiting to get some replacements in :/
ours were fine when we went to bed (active and with the group)

then in the morning they would either be dead or sat on thier own and dead when we got in from work...

they we'nt cheap either - was quite sad.

we tried every thing but the shop had them dying on them aswell so our were a 'bad' shipment.

Hope the others pull through.
Oh I'm sorry to hear that the one cory died :-( I was reading your other post yesterday about how excited you were to get them. I wonder what was wrong?? any ideas yet?

It's so stressful when your fish are sick and you have no idea what it is :sly: I hope you can figure it out and the other 2 make it.
Hi Polardbear

I'm so sorry to learn about your new cory. :byebye:

Please know that you are doing the best you can, and take consolation from that fact. If clean water and Tetracycline can't save them, I doubt anything can.

I want to mention something that you might or might not have considered. That is to keep them and any equipment (nets, etc.) used for them separate from that of your other sick corys. These are doubtlessly different strains of bacteria and it's important to avoid cross contamination of your tanks. The last thing your corys need is secondary infections.

Good luck with the remaining two.

BTW, how are the baby peppered corys? :unsure:
I just got home from work and the largest of the original 3 was dead. I'm down to one little guy. I feel so sorry for him, he looks so lonely all by himself. He came over to the glass and wiggled at me, he is so adorable. I'm really going to cry if I lose him to.

Having dealt with bacterial infections with my swordies I am very careful of cross contamination. Every tank has it's own equipment and gets disinfected after each use.

On a better note, the 2 corys in the other hospital tank have bounced right back and look like they will make a full recovery.

The 5 little Paleatus fry are doing well so far, if they survive I'll be up to 19 of that species! The 2 threesomes of adults that are in the spawning tank are still going at it non stop, I think they are planning on taking over the house.
Much to my surpise, number 3 Adolfoi is still hanging in there! :) I can't really tell if he's eating anything, he got excited for a minute when I gave him some tubifex this morning but I couldn't really see if he ate any. I've offered him everything I've got but he pretty much ignores everything or just pushes it out of his way. Keeping my fingers crossed.
The little guy is still alive today! I'm thinking he's going to make it (knocks on wood). Here is a picture of him sitting in his tree in the upper level of the tank.


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