It hasn't been mentioned yet but a lot of people diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder) don't actually have it. A lot of the symptoms can occur in people that drink too much coffee or drinks with stimulants in, food colours, preservatives, sugar, artificial sweeteners, illegal and legal drugs (side effects), stress, old age, lack of exercise and a few other things. Too much time using electronic devices (phones, computers, etc) can also cause symptoms.
There have been lots of reports of children being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD and the parents changed the kid's diet (removed junk food and fed them normal food), gave them some exercise, and the problems resolved without medication.
Reducing the amount of time you spend in front of a phone, tablet, pc or even playing games on the TV can make a difference to your sleep pattern, the amount of sleep you get and when you do get a decent night's sleep, your brain works properly. Lack of sleep will make you feel like a zombie, you will have trouble focusing, you might have balance problems, increased risk of disease, the list goes on. Everyone needs a decent night's sleep to function properly (physically and mentally).
Make sure you have a decent bed so you can actually get a good night sleep. Don't use electronic devices for at least 2 hours before you go to bed. You can watch a movie but don't text, surf the web or play games just before bed because they stimulate the brain and stop you sleeping.
Exercise can help in lots of ways. It causes the body to produce killer cells that fight diseases, serotonin that helps normal brain function and makes you feel better, and it tires out the muscles and body, and this will help you sleep better. One of the reasons people sleep less as they get old is because they don't do as much exercise. If you sit in a chair all day, chances are you might get 3-6 hours sleep per night and wake up feeling tired. If you spend several hours a day exercising (moving about), you will probably get closer to 8 hours sleep.
Any way, before you take drugs for a possible ADD or ADHD diagnosis, check your diet, reduce the pc use, do some exercise and try to get a good night sleep. If you still have all the symptoms after a month of that, then pop the pills.