

Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, UK
i bought a pair of ADF a few months back and added them to my 7 gallon betta tank, i was looking on the interent and stumbled acroos this:,%20226.jpg from the website;,%20Dwarf%20African.htm. it gave me the idea to creat one of my own so i bought a medium sizeds flat wood from my fish store and some bendy metel strips from diy store, did a but of creating and i came up with a piece of wood that have a stap up from te water with metel clips attacted, i folded over the clips of my tank glass, placed a bit of java moss on their and few other plants and watched...nothing, i decided to drill a few holes underneith the wood so water could seep up and make the wood damp etc and the lower part of the wood is now under a few mm of water but the higher part is just wet.i left it for a few days, placing bloodworms on their and after 3 days i saw one of my frogs jump from the water onto the wood island.they were hopping about then leaped back to the water, now a week later they use it a lot,i keep it damp by spraying water onto it before i leave a few bloodworms on thier for the frogs to eat, its a great way of feeding now they betta doesnt eat the froggies food my betta hides under the island and has a shaded spot.
i was wondering if anyone else has done this or something simular.comments and critism welcome
sorry about having no pictures but i have no camera.
dont get me wrong, they live in the water most of the time in my tank, im not trying to say give them land or owt,i just thought it might look good in my tank and intresting to see if they do leave the water, they are only out for about 5-10 minuets or so, then they hop back in
Yea not too suprising, a bit of hopping around won't kill them. Congrats on making it work though, first time I've actually heard someone with first hand experience doing this.
aww thats cool, when i decide the day that i want to get a 3 gallon (planted would be cool) betta tank, i am going to do that!
sounds cool ^^ when i had a banana plant that floated 'cos of alot of leaves my biggest used to love sitting on the lilypads ^^ i loved the cliche lol

also when i had a fluval filter theyd often sit on the part that was slightly above water.
They do like to be out of the water,if they can,but its not vital. Mine usually get out ontop pf my filter but they cant now cause ive had to lower the water my water level cause of my fire bellied newt,i dont want him to be out of the water all of the time but still he climbs out! :rolleyes:
i would love to post pic's but i have no digital camera or camera phone. i might save up for one as i suppose you tend to use a camera more than you think.
Mine lay around in the top layers of the plants (and sometimes on the filter) with their little snouts poking out of the water. That way they don't have to move when they need air, lazy buggers!
Do you think I could just us a floating piece of wood, like one of those bark hollow half logs for reptiles?
Geez apparently I had the laziest ADFs ever, they never tried to stay at the top of the tank :unsure:
Or maybe the least laziest. If he was at the top, they wouldn't have to go far, if anywhere, to breath, but your stayed at the bottom, so it's not lazy. :lol:
Do you think I could just us a floating piece of wood, like one of those bark hollow half logs for reptiles?
i dont see why not, aslong as its aquarium it floats, the filter might move it around making it harder for the frogs to jump on.try to make a sloap into the waters surface a little, as ive seen my frogs climb up sometimes.

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