ADF's Breeding


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
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Salisbury, Wiltshire UK
Well I'm in shock, I never exspected my ADF's to breed, did'nt even think about it realy.

Well if you read my over post, your know they started singing resently, and last night, I went to feed them, and there they where, on of the male clamped onto the back of the female.

Has anyone had exsperiance of these guys breeding. Cos I have no idea what to do, with any eggs, or tads.

Couple days late, but I've been out of town, so I can't help that.

The tadpoles would be extremely hard to raise, and the parents actually have a taste for their own eggs and for their own tadpoles. It's doubtful they'd make it to hatching.

Also, males clamp onto anything they can reach, even other males and completely non-fertile females. They're cute, but they really aren't very bright at all.

The eggs themselves are very small, black, and float at the surface. I've seen some in my own tank, but, between the Betta and the frogs, the eggs are quite the delicacy and never last long. If some hatched, you'd need to keep the water pristine without drastic changes in water conditions, and feed them something like baby brine shrimp or microworms. BBS would be easier, as you'd have to find microworms from a breeder (probably of Bettas!, though I don't use them myself).

I've not read much beyond that, and I've never tried to preserve any eggs that came from my frogs, but that'll at least get you started if you get hatching eggs. Try a search, though, and you'll find all kinds of things.

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