Addition Suitable With C.sajica


Always room for one more tank...
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Beds, UK
I shouldn't be even on these forums, everytime I start thinking about adding/modifying my tanks I find every spare penny going into it, but here goes anyway...

I've got a Rio 180 that I setup as a CA/SA tank a long time ago. Initially I had a C.Sajica, T.Ellioti and a Blue Acara. After the Ellioti and Acara started bullying the Sajica I moved the Acara into a smaller seperate tank whilst I worked out what to do...and he died unfortunately. The upshot however was that after some redecoration etc the Sajica and Ellioti seemed to get on alright.

Unfortunately for a number of reasons (I'm rather ashamed to admit sloth being one of them) I neglected my tanks for awhile, and the Ellioti died. I got back on top of sorting water quality and have been pottering along, not paying much attention to any of my tanks (other than feeding and water changes) for a good while.

Now I want to do something about it - I've got a bit more time to spend on my fishkeeping than I did before and I'm keen to make an addition to the tank. Aside from the Sajica the tank also contains 5 pim pictus but no other fish. So what do I go for? Being realistic (and learning from my mistakes) I'm only looking to add one more, and if I have to do a temporary relocation of the Sajica/redecoration I'm happy to do that to help establish new boundaries. I've no idea what to add. I could go with another Ellioti - the old one was a stunning fish once matured. But if there are other options I'd like to consider them. Unfortunately I suspect tank size will be the most restrictive factor.

Any thoughts?
Ellioti or firemouth would be good. Also, my preference, would be a rainbow cichlid.

IMO, sajicas and rainbow cichlids were made for each other !
I agree.
Rainbows would be about the best tank mates.
Glad you have finally got around to looking after your fish. If you dont have the time then please move them on.
I cant stand animal cruelty.
A rainbow sounds like an option, I'd like to see them in person before I make a decision but if Wildwoods have them in I'll have to pop down. If I'm not keen I'm more inclined to go for another Ellioti rather than a Firemouth.

Any other suggestions before I ring Wildwoods to check their stock of Rainbows/Ellioti?
I don't think it merits a new thread, but I've (provisionally) convinced SWMBO that a bigger tank with the proper level of care and attention could lead to a stunning tank, provided I plan ahead properly.

I'm thinking about upgrading to a 4-5ft / 400-450L setup - Rena do some nice ones, and a Rio 400 is an option. If I were to upgrade to that sort of size what could I look at adding? The one thing I can think of that I'm really keen to keep (and have been since I saw Minxy's photo's a long time ago) are Sev's. Given their relatively peaceful nature, there shouldn't be any problems with a Sev should there?

And presumably I'd get away with one or two other relatively peaceful additions - any suggestions?

Cheers for your patience - I feel like I'm relearning everything that countless hours trawling these forums taught me the last time I was on here regularly. Off to do some googling myself to try and answer some of my own questions...


A bit of googling later, I'm wondering if a Sev, Nicaraguan Cichlid, Sajica and Rainbow would work?
I've just added a Rainbow Cichlid to the tank. He's currently acclimatising. It's only now that they're in the same tank that I've realised just how much bigger the Sajica is though - without any other fish in there as a point of reference I hadn't really noticed just how much he'd grown.

If the Rainbow has problems I may move him to my 90L community tank for a few months whilst he grows - theres nothing in there small enough for him to be able to eat, and just about everything in there should be quick enough to stay out of his way.

Bump regarding my last post...any thoughts?
"Minxy's sev", and "peaceful nature" in the same sentence :rofl: Harry is a lovely severum, but he is such a naughty boy!

Severums would go nice in a rio 400, they are ok with sajica and Ellioti I have that mix, never had Rainbows, I have been looking at them today though, very tempting.
"Minxy's sev", and "peaceful nature" in the same sentence :rofl: Harry is a lovely severum, but he is such a naughty boy!

Severums would go nice in a rio 400, they are ok with sajica and Ellioti I have that mix, never had Rainbows, I have been looking at them today though, very tempting.

Very true about Harry :)

I have to say, having looked at Google images etc for Rainbow's I wasn't overly impressed and nearly got another Ellioti - but when I saw them in person I saw that the camera hadn't been doing them justice. All the ones I saw were juveniles but there were plenty that had coloured up nicely, and I'm looking forward to the next few months as he starts to grow.
A Sev, nic, rainbows, chocolate etc would all be fine with sajica. Some of the Aequidens (reclassified as Andinoacara I believe now) species would also work. Generally speaking Severums are peaceful enough, unless you end up with one like Harry, who isnt exactly nasty, just likes to be the boss of the tank and will keep other in line accordingly, in particular doesnt like other Sevs or Oscars :rolleyes:

Edit: Should add that list is in regards to your post re a larger tank of course :good:
Edit: Should add that list is in regards to your post re a larger tank of course :good:

I figured ;) After the stress and hassle, redecorating, temporarily rehoming and re-introducing different fish I went through whilst trying to convince a Sajica, Ellioti and Blue Acara to play nice in the existing tank I've learned the hard way that space is the biggest limiting factor on cichlid numbers.

The rainbow seems to be getting on okay, I think the Sajica has given him a bit of grief but he's set himself up in a rock stack that the Sajica can't get in to.
I'll post a few pic's in a few days once he's settled in better.

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