Always room for one more tank...
I shouldn't be even on these forums, everytime I start thinking about adding/modifying my tanks I find every spare penny going into it, but here goes anyway...
I've got a Rio 180 that I setup as a CA/SA tank a long time ago. Initially I had a C.Sajica, T.Ellioti and a Blue Acara. After the Ellioti and Acara started bullying the Sajica I moved the Acara into a smaller seperate tank whilst I worked out what to do...and he died unfortunately. The upshot however was that after some redecoration etc the Sajica and Ellioti seemed to get on alright.
Unfortunately for a number of reasons (I'm rather ashamed to admit sloth being one of them) I neglected my tanks for awhile, and the Ellioti died. I got back on top of sorting water quality and have been pottering along, not paying much attention to any of my tanks (other than feeding and water changes) for a good while.
Now I want to do something about it - I've got a bit more time to spend on my fishkeeping than I did before and I'm keen to make an addition to the tank. Aside from the Sajica the tank also contains 5 pim pictus but no other fish. So what do I go for? Being realistic (and learning from my mistakes) I'm only looking to add one more, and if I have to do a temporary relocation of the Sajica/redecoration I'm happy to do that to help establish new boundaries. I've no idea what to add. I could go with another Ellioti - the old one was a stunning fish once matured. But if there are other options I'd like to consider them. Unfortunately I suspect tank size will be the most restrictive factor.
Any thoughts?
I've got a Rio 180 that I setup as a CA/SA tank a long time ago. Initially I had a C.Sajica, T.Ellioti and a Blue Acara. After the Ellioti and Acara started bullying the Sajica I moved the Acara into a smaller seperate tank whilst I worked out what to do...and he died unfortunately. The upshot however was that after some redecoration etc the Sajica and Ellioti seemed to get on alright.
Unfortunately for a number of reasons (I'm rather ashamed to admit sloth being one of them) I neglected my tanks for awhile, and the Ellioti died. I got back on top of sorting water quality and have been pottering along, not paying much attention to any of my tanks (other than feeding and water changes) for a good while.
Now I want to do something about it - I've got a bit more time to spend on my fishkeeping than I did before and I'm keen to make an addition to the tank. Aside from the Sajica the tank also contains 5 pim pictus but no other fish. So what do I go for? Being realistic (and learning from my mistakes) I'm only looking to add one more, and if I have to do a temporary relocation of the Sajica/redecoration I'm happy to do that to help establish new boundaries. I've no idea what to add. I could go with another Ellioti - the old one was a stunning fish once matured. But if there are other options I'd like to consider them. Unfortunately I suspect tank size will be the most restrictive factor.
Any thoughts?