Adding To A Tetra Tank


New Member
May 11, 2008
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I currently have 6 serpae, 6 red eye, and 6 black skirt tetras in a 30-gal tank and was thinking about adding some bigger fish. Would it be safe to add 1 betta and/or 1 dwarf gourami? I have a feeling it would be fine but I know that when I had fewer tetras before they were a little aggressive with each other and don't want them to mess with the new fish(es), or vice-versa. The fish all get along now so I hope I don't disrupt the current dynamic, thks...
May be risky with a Betta> Tetras will probably. nip fins + Betta may attack Gourami.

How about RedDwarf Gourami or Red Honey Gourami, although they can become territorial and often prone to Diseases.

'Corydoras' Catfish would be a good addition...?
the tetras you have are all fin nippers so avoid any fish with long flowing fins (ie: bettas, angels, guppies).
you could try bigger gouramis like pearls, blue or gold gouramis, any smallish species of barb, most catfish and maybe some sort of dwarf cichlid like bolivian rams or kribensis
You could get either some Gouramis or Dwarf Cichlids. Then you could also get a small Pleco
Keep the South America theme and consider getting a trio of Apisto (dwarf cichlids) and a small group of Corydoras :good:

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