Petco finally got in some corys and I picked up 5 to go with the original albino. Petco labeled them as miniature cory but I don't know what they really are and can't say that I really care. I was assured that they won't get larger than 3/4 inch but it is Petco so who knows.
The original albino went into instant hiding but, after a few hours, came out and started to mingle a bit. Not yet a part of the new group but hopefully it will happen.
To be honest I've always had corys in my previous tanks ages ago but only one or two. Until I gained the knowledge from people here I never knew that they would want to school. I can already see the difference. They are really cute/funny to watch. It is like they will split apart and go roaming through the tand and then get together in sort of a huddle like they are saying Hey, did you see this? Check out what I found... I'm sure that isn't what is actually going on but bees do it so why not fish?

All I know is that having a group makes them a total hoot.

I just hope that, after a few days, the original albino continues to become more interactive with the newbies.
The 6 black skirt tetras don't seem over joyed with the new additions as the little corys go where they want. If a black skirt is in the way the corys don't seem to care and the tetra best get out of the path because the cory isn't about to change direction. It is really sort of funny.
With my military background I consider plecos tanks and corys humbies. One does not want to get in the way of either as they will just go right through you.
I'm actually a bit surprised by the apparent reaction of the tetras to the new corys. I mean one of the corys will go hyper and zing across the tank. The tetras just scatter and get out of the way. This may change but it still surprises me a bit as the tetras are 3-4 times larger that the tiny corys but still scatter to get out of the way. The newbies are probably about 1/2 inch or there about.
These little beasties are as cute as can be and I wish that I had known years ago that they wanted to be in a group.
Bottom line of all this is that I want to offer thanks to those that educated me in that were shoal fish. I SO MUCH appreciate your your being willing to put up with my old school attitudes and helping me to better understand these wonderful critters.