Adding Oto's To A New Tank


New Member
Sep 30, 2007
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Okay, so my 55 is nearly complete- I've got 12 danios in there now, and only intend to add a couple plec's and 6 oto's (small plecs, with possible upgrade in tank size if necessary when they grow). From my recent readings, i expect the tank to have leveled out from the shock of the last few danios by sometime next week, which means I can then start adding the oto's (i want to get the plec's last). My question is, since it is a new tank, it has yet to grow any algae. Is this going to be a problem for my Oto's? Will they be willing to eat veggies and algae wafers until there is algae? I know they are already difficult enough to introduce- i don't need them to starve as well.

If they won't eat algae wafers/veggies, is there a way to get a jump start on algae production (strange question lol), and how many should I add at a time to get the best survival rates?

thanks :) I haven't had these little guys before, and they sound fun.... but challenging.


ps.. oops I probably should have put this in the catfish forum, i had forgotten about it. if a mod wants, feel free to move it.
Are you cycling with fish? if you are i would suggest putting your plecs in first because it will take a while for your filter to catch up with the bioload.
Id put the otos in last
Ottos, depending on where they are collected, tend to be very sensitive to any fluctuating water chemistry. It is usually recommended to add them to a mature (6 months or older) tank to avoid die-offs. Even so, some people just can't keep them alive, so I'd wait awhile before adding them or the plecs (they also do better in a mature tank).
Hi, the trouble with 'Ottos is they are just about all wild caught so it is best to buy only if you know they have been at the LFS for a while (don't rely on what you are told). That way they will have got over travel shock/stress.
Also be very particular in your own climatisation method.

I feed my 'Ottos Tetra Plecomin algae enriched tablets. I do so at night (without putting on the room light), that way they get a chance to find it before the rest of my greedy b*****s! Even if your tank develops algae they will soon snap up the type they like so supliments are always required.
They should look plump in the morning and have a big smile (ok, so I made the second part up ;) )

I am guessing your tank has been properly cycled and stats. are at zero ammonia/nitrite otherwise don't consider getting 'Ottos yet. :good:
Yes, my levels are way down- which is why I thought it would be okay to get them.

That is a good point about the plec's first.. I just assumed I'd put them in last b/c I want the tank well established and ready for them. Perhaps I'll wait a bit longer then, and get my plec's first, and then get oto's.

thanks for the thoughts all
Have a good look at the Otos in the LFS. Ask how long they've been in. If they've been in a while and they look plump, then you know they've got over their journey and are eating well. If so, you should be safe to buy them. If they look thin, or they've only just arrived in stock, wait a while then have another look. Having said that, though, of the half dozen I bought a couple of years ago, one has remained small; obviously the 'runt of the litter'. If you do get some, I'd take longer acclimatising them to your tankwater, too. A fat Oto is a happy Oto.

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