Adding Ocean Rock To An Already Established Tank...


Fish Fanatic
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Solihull, UK
Any need for special measures ?

Or do you just rinse it off and drop it in ?

This stuff is bone dry, white calcerous looking holy rocks.
Drop a bit of vinegar on it and check if it fizzes.

Give it a good rinse, I use old tank water or RO personally but I guess tap water would be ok, then pop it into place.
Sianeds has got it but due to the porous nature of the rock I wouldn’t use tap water. This will stay within the rock and then be introduced to you tank.
Vinegar tests it to make sure that its a calcium carbonate rock. It will fizz if its calcium carbonate. If its a glass or silica based rock, it wont. I agree, a good RO dunk/rinse after the vinegar test and you should be all set.
OK, I need more help people !

Asked the LFS if i need to do anything special with this rock - no, just plonk it in mate.

Anyhow, I had 25 litres of saltwater mixed in my plastic bin so I decided to give it a soak first.

After 24 hours, the levels were.....

Nitrate - Off the scale.
Nitrire - Off the scale.
Ammonia - Off the scale.

Damn good job I never just "plonked it in"

Done a water change yesterday in the bin and the levels 24 hours later are....

Nitrate - 40ppm
Nitrite - 0.25ppm
Ammonia - 0.25ppm

Are these levels gonna drop on their own or should I perfom another water change in the rock bin before adding ?

Or would I be ok now adding the rock to the 150 litres of tank water ?
YOu will have to cure this rock

If it is given an Ammonia reading in the bucket it will give one in your tank - only difference is, it will kill your livestock

I would do daily water changes until the Ammonia & Nitrite levels are at Nil
i'd take my time with this risky rock...
i'd do 100% water change once a week,
do water tests right before u change ur water... see at that point if u can add it
add a powerhead, if u have an old skimmer around.. now might be a nice time 2 use it again!
if u have an extra heater... why not?
i'd really take my time...
The rock bin is heated and has 2x airstones and powerheads for movement.

The waiting continues - thank god I never listened to the LFS
yeah, its white rock - with remains of coralline in places.

I will get some photos uploaded
is this the same as ocean rock ? has my lfs told me to rinse it through place on the bottom of the tankand then put the live rock over it so this way the bottom of the live rock will not die off

is this ok or will i have to do the same as allen has done here with the vinegar??

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