Adding Magnesium To My Tank

Sea Turtle

Fish Crazy
May 18, 2007
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Stratford, Connecticut
I have to confess, I have a wonderful reef tank with hard and soft corals and fish. Sadly, I have not paid any attention to my magnesium levels. :crazy: I am currently in the process of learning about this since I have recently added a torch coral and have learned that this is important for its success. I am planning on picking up a test kit tomorrow. :good: My question is, "what is the best way to add magnesium to my water column?" I currently am using a literMeter III with B-Ionic two part solution. Will this add magnesium for me?

I have heard that you can use epsom salt, what are the pro's and con's of this method?

What are the professionally recommended methods?

What would you recommend?

When i first started marine i didnt really pay much attention to the magnesium either but when i got corals i started to. I add seachem reef advantage magnesium powder once a week to my tank. You can get magnesium in liquid form but because i have a 100gallon tank it is easier an cheeper to use the stronger powder solution.
Epsom salts are cheaper than the magnesium additives available form the petshop. They generally contain the same thing.
Agree with Musho, a mix of mag chloride and mag sulphate is probably the best way to dose it ;)
I personally use the seachem stuff, adding it to my water change mix a few hours after the salt. Expensive(ish) but you know what your getting.
I personally use the seachem stuff, adding it to my water change mix a few hours after the salt. Expensive(ish) but you know what your getting.

I hear seachem is just expensive epsom salts, just like kalkwasser is expensive pickling lime (they just advertise it in the german form of the word, when really it just means lime water, and you can find the stuff mighty cheap at your grocery store)
I hear seachem is just expensive epsom salts, just like kalkwasser is expensive pickling lime (they just advertise it in the german form of the word, when really it just means lime water, and you can find the stuff mighty cheap at your grocery store)

I'm sure I read somewhere that continued use of epsom salts cause sulphate build up (thats what lead me to just going with the seachem stuff)
seachem is magnesium-sulfate aka epsom salts (as well as sodium chloride which is just table salt). Look for magnesium-chloride.
seachem is magnesium-sulfate aka epsom salts (as well as sodium chloride which is just table salt). Look for magnesium-chloride.

Not sure about that musho heres seachems blurb ,although the wording is a bit strange I think they're saying its magnesium chloride and magnesium sulphate.
seachem is magnesium-sulfate aka epsom salts (as well as sodium chloride which is just table salt). Look for magnesium-chloride.

Not sure about that musho heres seachems blurb ,although the wording is a bit strange I think they're saying its magnesium chloride and magnesium sulphate.

No forget that, your right I just looked on the bottle. The sneaky buggers(its all in the wording)
seachem is magnesium-sulfate aka epsom salts (as well as sodium chloride which is just table salt). Look for magnesium-chloride.

Not sure about that musho heres seachems blurb ,although the wording is a bit strange I think they're saying its magnesium chloride and magnesium sulphate.

No forget that, your right I just looked on the bottle. The sneaky buggers(its all in the wording)
Yes. i think your right.
Yes, the "best" mixture is around a 50/50 or a 40/60 mixture of Epsom Salts to Mag Chloride.
Well epsom salts is cheap enough and readily available but I can't seem to find magnesium chloride in a reasonable amount for a reasonable price(in the UK) other than 500g for £8.50 on ebay or half a ton for use on cows for £100,good value but maybe slighly overkill I only use 20g a fortnight :blink: Shame I couldn't get a nice gallon bucket like you seem to be able to get in US.

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