Adding Fist Cuc


New Member
Jan 20, 2008
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Vernon, CT
Today i will be adding my fist CUC the water is stable and where it should be its also crystal clear any ideas of reef safe and fish safe crews i was thinking some pepermint shimp turbo snails and maybe a blue legged hermit crab or any type of hermit crab any ideas


Personally I'm using 6 Large Astrea snails, 10 Ceriths and 4 Nassarius snails coupled with 12 sml blue legged hermits in my 85ltr Nano.
Eventually I hope to have one or two true pepermint shrimp but I feel its too soon and the setup is not mature enough IMO for to have shrimp yet.
In my experience, Snails have been the best works in my tank. I have Turbos and trochus which do a wonderful job cleaning up the glass and small hair algae on the LR. Defiantely get plenty of snails. Hermits seem to be more lazy, and would rather play with the shells you provide them, but they're still entertaining to watch :p. I'd also recommend emerald crabs, I have two nearly full grown ones, which tear out hair algae all day (And used to eat the bubble algae, but seem to ignore it for the hair algae now :rolleyes: ). Can't say much shrimp wise, I haven't had much luck with them, except the constant sexual activity in the past...
You should go for snails and hermits first. I think that snails are much more efective at algae and hermits are going to get left overs. As your tank gets about 3-6 months you can upgrade the cleaning crew to cucumbers or urchins,sea hares or other oddbally stuff. Kind of like an anemone in a tank tis better to get one when the tank is matured.

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