The pre-test kit trick was to add about 6 fish, as your store suggested. Do weekly water 30-50% changes (my approach is different from 10 tanks'), and 2-3 weeks later, add a few more fish. It's risky because you aren't quarantining, and the new fish could arrive ill and kill the lot.
The water routine continues, as it should for as long as you have fish in the tank. Weekly water changes matter, a lot.
2-3 weeks later, if the tank is large enough, you can add again.
If you go to an online stocking calculator, check it closely, and never exceed 75% stocking.
What I'm suggesting is heresy in some circles, and no doubt will draw fire from people who prefer the fishless cycle method. You're already on the road with a fish in cycle, so stay the course and proceed slowly. The important thing is to manage water quality so the fish are not harmed by the cycling process. In a few months, especially if you opt for live plants, you'll have a beautiful smoothly running tank that needs the fish fed and 30% water changes weekly, and otherwise runs itself.