Adding Fish Soon...

Ok do you think a Angel could swallow a ram? as 2 of these fish grow about twice the size of a Ram and one bigger in length.

You can't rest your case with a yahoo answer,they are from anybody...its hardly a source.


Man..your hilarious. :lol: :crazy: :lol:
Considering that a German Ram grows to about 8cm and a Bolivian at 10cm. This issue wouldnt be the Angels eating the Rams but over territory, The Angles would prob kill them in the end.
You said Angels eat ALL tetras





Neons = 1" x 0.5"
Diamonds = 3.5" x 3"
Rummys = 2.5" x 0.8"
Phantoms = 2.8" x 2.5"

A Angel would hardly have a territory spat with a 2" Ram that occupys a different area of the tank.

For god sake someone put this delusional n00b straight...

His killer OscarxAngel Hybrids are going to devour your Piranhas

I think this dude is just trolling,he can't be serious..
Again little dude i'll say it S-L-O-W

h-e/s-h-e i-s n-o-t a-d-d-i-n-g (<careful this ones a big word) n-e-o-n t-e-t-r-a-s w-i-t-h A-n-g-e-l F-i-s-h

Read it slow mate if you can,If not get a adult to help you.

Again in your links say nothing about Angels being Predators that kill every Tetra known to man nor smaller Cichlids...
So what does it say under Tank compatibility

Pterophyllum altum

Best kept in a single species or specialized "Guyana shield or Orinoco Blackwater habitat" aquarium containing species of the same habitat. Other species within this habitat: Satanoperca daemon, Guianacara sp., Uaru fernandezyepezi, Mesonauta insignis, Dicrossus filamentosus, Apistogramma iniridae, L128, L200, Paracheirodon axelrodi, Hyphessobrycon bentosi rosaceus, Hemigrammus rhodostomus, among others. Note that smaller fish such as Paracheirodon axelrodi will as a rule be eaten.

Pterophyllum scalare

Compatible with some South American Cichlids such as the German Blue Ram or any of the Apistogramma species. Do not keep with small tetras or other small fish 1.5" (3.8cm) and under, they may well become lunch, or overly aggressive fish. Avoid known fin nippers such as Tiger Barbs or Serpae Tetras. Other territorial mid-top dwellers such as Betta splendens and Gouramis are not advisable either as they may become too curious towards the Angels.

As i said there is a chance that the Angels will once Adult size prey on Tetras, He may get away with it like the way you said you have but its all a risk! make them sound like a individual fish....Your wrong mate and nothign says they will eat Diamonds or Black Phantoms that are medium sized tetras...not small.
Look you obviously cant take to other people opinions, I am not the only one who dosent think that you should keep Angels and Tetras together. What are you like 10 or summat? All Tetras under 6cm are considered SMALL TETRAS! you clearly need to go do some more background reading
Guys, guys...I'd have to say that the replies are making me LOL
Seriously though, I do plan to add some tetras, but NO neons! Black Phantoms for sure, Black Neons..probably (they looked pretty big. FWIW, our local Petsmart only has a few selections of tetras so it's limited. Other options that I'm considering are cherry barbs, pair of gouramis (IF I can find a female, otherwise just 1 male). Then I'll add some catfish/loaches.

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