Adding Fish Soon...


New Member
May 6, 2009
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Oklahoma City, OK.
Ok, here's what I've got: A 50g (tall) tank..measuring 20" x 18" x 31" With the sand added in, I figure at least 25" (height wise) of water for the angels so I'm not concerned there. I've been doing some reading on compatible tankmates, size and everything..and what I'd like to know is in what order would it benefit the tank (and fish) most by adding the fish into it? Do I start with the angels, tetras?? What are your thoughts!

One suggestion that I read had the following;
3-4 Marbled Hatchetfish

3-6 Angelfish
4-6 Black Phantom Tetras
4-6 Rummynose Tetras
4-6 Diamond Tetras

1 Hoplo Catfish
1-2 Bushynose Plecos

This is by no means a set-in-stone selection. I'm visiting our local Petsmart later before heading to work to make a list of what they have. I'd very much appreciate any thoughtfull advice and/or ideas on some interesting tankmates. Thanks again for the help and sorry if this was posted in the wrong forum.
:good: :good: :good:
Dont keep Angels with Tetras, as there is a 90% chance the Angels will eat them
Nah...maybe if they are small neons (laarge ones wont fit in a angels mouth) but no bigger tetras.
Once the Angels are fully grown they will eat the Neons (they are their natural prey)
No they are not,they are omnivorous Angels will take small will anything,but a adult Neon is far to big to fit in a Adult Angels mouth.(trust me I have done it enough times)

This person is not adding any neons to their tank anyway,just bigger tetras.
Hmmm an Adult Angel at about 5inch across could easily eat a Neon, i have seen Angels a pair a little bigger than this size eat Glowlight Rasbora's and a group of 7 Amano Shrimp within 3 day, and they were large shrimp bigger than the average size neon. My mate was guttered!
Have you ever seen a adult Neon? yes they grow to only just over 1" in length but they get big round bellys.

Source? I used to own a tank that had around 50 Neons and Cardinals,a Pair of Adult 6" Angels,2 8" Discus,Pair of Rams and Cherry Barbs for years.

No losses via consumption as any dead ones I could pick out by hand,and that was not very ofton.

Even so as mentioned before,the poster has NEVER mentioned Neons,I would like to see a Angel eat a Black Phantom lol..
Have you ever seen a adult Neon? yes they grow to only just over 1" in length but they get big round bellys.

Source? I used to own a tank that had around 50 Neons and Cardinals,a Pair of Adult 6" Angels,2 8" Discus,Pair of Rams and Cherry Barbs for years.

No losses via consumption as any dead ones I could pick out by hand,and that was not very ofton.

Even so as mentioned before,the poster has NEVER mentioned Neons,I would like to see a Angel eat a Black Phantom lol..

Considering that i have 20 Neon's in my own tank yes i have seen a adult sixe Neon, and they grow bigger than 1inch.
3-6 Angelfish
4-6 Black Phantom Tetras
4-6 Rummynose Tetras
4-6 Diamond Tetras

Seen as he is thinking of having Black Phantoms, Rummys and Diamond all of which grow to about the same size as a Neon.
Dude all three of those Tetras get to around 3",the Phantoms and Diamonds are the depth of about 4 neons,deeps bodied like a Tiger barb or Black Widow.

I have fish this size with my 10" Severum that has a mouth big enough to swallow 2 of your fingers and they Still could not fit in his mouth....So how the hell is a Angel going to eat them unless she chops them up for them...
Actually they grow to:

Black Phantom max 6cm
Rummy-nose max 6cm
Diamond max 7cm

NEON max 6cm

Hmmmm seems to me that they all max out at about the same size!
Im clueless! Ok mate :stupid:
You make Angels sound like Mini Pike Cichlids with tiny mouths,they are not Predators and will not kill and eat anything that will not fit in its mouth.

You do realize that Diamond Tetras are nearly half the depth of a Angel and half the length?

Infact my Largest Blackwidow Tetra in my Cichlid tank with a 12" Pearl Cichlid,2 Severums,2 Firemouths,Kribensis and Angels is deeper than my Adult Firemouth and my adult 6" Trispot/opaline Gourami.

Diamonds get to the same size as Black Widows and Black Phantoms not far off.

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