Fish Fanatic
So the subject of pecking order is constantly brought up and that adding fish of the same species later is just asking for trouble. Right now my 50 consists primarily of about 8 each Glowlites, Embers, Harlequin Rasboras and one lone Serpae. I would love to add more, say a couple of each species yet I always hear that this will throw the established hierarchy into a turmoil. If this is true, which I have no reason to doubt, does this just last a couple days, weeks or what? It seems to me that unless you introduce a batch of a new species that are compatible with the other fish and the water parameters you are stuck with the setup you have until all of a species dies out. That if two of my Rasboras die it's just too bad for me until all of the Rasboras die of old age, that you can't replenish the group.