Adding first fish


New Member
Feb 28, 2004
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My tank has finished a fishless cycle and now I have added some fish (4 platties). They have been there for about 2 weeks now. Its got some plants in and a piece of bogwood. My worry is that the Nitrate levels are high (somewhere between 75 - 100). The ammonia is at 0.1 and the nitrite at 0.1. The pH is 7.5. The thing is it only occured to me to test my tap water the other day and that is not much different. The ammonia is the same the Nitrite is nil and the Nitrate is only a bit lower around 75. Also there is a brown film growing over the stones and on the glass. Am I on track or do I have a problem? BTW I did a 20% water change today but the test levels were the same as before.

Bit worried :/
If your nitrate out of the tap is 75, then that's probably going to be (or turn into) a problem.

The presence of ammonia in your tap water could imply the presence of chloramines. Check with your water company to see if they use chloramines for treatment, and check your dechlorinator to see if it neutralizes chloramines.
Where your water parameters at 0 before you add the fish? Also I think getting real plants can lower your nitrAtes as they use it as food(someone correct me if i'm wrong)..
G_Sharky said:
Where your water parameters at 0 before you add the fish? Also I think getting real plants can lower your nitrAtes as they use it as food(someone correct me if i'm wrong)..
That's right Sharky, but I am not sure to what degree. What I can say is that both my planted tanks are at 10 nitrAte and my non-planted is at 20. Not sure if it's related though.
Plants target nitrItes, which in turn forms into nitrAtes. Plants would help, but also some good water changes should do the job too!
Live plants in a tank will reduce the nitrate levels.

But, 75 ppm out of the tap is most likely going to be a problem. If that's truly a 'normal' condition for your tap water, then personally, I'd start looking into RO/DI water.
I've spoken to the guys at my LFS and they tell me that the water quality is quite bad around here and high Nitrate is normal. I've purchased a product called Nitra-Zorb. It's a giant tea bag that you put in the filter and it absorbs the Nitrates, Nitrites and ammonia. It's re-usable too, I gather you put it salt water which extracts the chemicals (haven't read the instructions yet). They said frequent water changes would be needed too. Or I could buy some of their treated water. Anyone used this Nitra-Zorb?

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