Adding A Second Plec To My Tank


Fish Crazy
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, UK

I have a gibby pleco in my tank which is currently being upgraded to a bigger 4ft tank, and I'm getting rid of some of my stock on favour of more interesting fish such as catfish :)

I love my gibby pleco but he's quite big (I got him when he was big), and I'd like another pleco as I find them so interesting. I'm looking at getting a bristlenose or maybe even a pair. Would these get on alright with the pleco that's already in there?
Actually it wouldn't matter if they weren't BN plecos, can anyone recommend a smallish pleco that gets on ok with others?
You're going to be pushed for space in a 4ft tank with a gibby, so maybe it might be worth looking into a bigger tank if you want another plec?

Gibbies can get to 2ft (rarely) but usually 12-18", so a 4ft tank is going to be a tight squeeze, especially if you have other fish in there and want another plec.

It's a good excuse to get a 5 or 6ft one if you have a long suffering missus/hubby *lol* Then you could get some more SDs to go with yours, they a happier in groups ;)
Hi Lisa,

I know 4ft is rated as small for a pleco but I got mine when he was the size he is now (rescued from a 1ft tank) and he's been fine in my 3ft, which is now being upgraded to 4ft. Although it's only a foot longer it seems a much bigger tank and he will be much happier in it I know.

He also hasn't grown since I've had him yet still remained healthy, so hopefully he wont grow anymore! He's about 8 inches long.

The silver dollar was also rescued from the same tank btw along with the scissortails and xray tetra.

My plec is so lovely but I'd love to have a smaller one as well that would stay small. Do you think it would matter that much to add another one in relation to the size of the tank?

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