Adding A Refugium


If you had the light on 24/7 would this lead to a problem with nuisance algae or would the chaeto stop this? Can anyone recommend a reliable supplier of chaeto? Wife scarred of tank crashing if use caleurpa.
The idea of the macro alga {cheto ect} is that it will take up phosphates nitrates ect out the water colum for it to grow and when you trim it out you are in effect removing them elements from the water :good: , it also takes in Co2 {Co2 affects PH} in way of photosynthesis and produces oxygen so in effect it also helps keep staple ph levels as well and oxygenates the tank :good:

Was thinking of a very simple design with a pipe feeding the refugium one end and another pumping it out the other. Looking at live rock and sand and chaeto(or MM)in the middle. Would have the middle diveded off at each end with live rock rubble at the input end. How high would people recommend to have the dividers?
What space do yuo have to fit the sump in?


If you had the light on 24/7 would this lead to a problem with nuisance algae or would the chaeto stop this? Can anyone recommend a reliable supplier of chaeto? Wife scarred of tank crashing if use caleurpa.
The idea of the macro alga {cheto ect} is that it will take up phosphates nitrates ect out the water colum for it to grow and when you trim it out you are in effect removing them elements from the water :good: , it also takes in Co2 {Co2 affects PH} in way of photosynthesis and produces oxygen so in effect it also helps keep staple ph levels as well and oxygenates the tank :good:

Was thinking of a very simple design with a pipe feeding the refugium one end and another pumping it out the other. Looking at live rock and sand and chaeto(or MM)in the middle. Would have the middle diveded off at each end with live rock rubble at the input end. How high would people recommend to have the dividers?
What space do yuo have to fit the sump in?


The refugium tank would be 18" long x 18" tall x 14" wide.

Thanks Stef
Umm with that size tank you’re properly going to be best off with a MM setup as you don’t really have the room for a big enough DSB to make that much of a difference to be honest. Are you going to be using a skimmer?
Could you not fit a 2ft tank in?
I`ve got a deltec skimmer in the main tank that I`ll continue to run.

No way I could fit in anything any bigger I`m afraid.

It`s more to help to control the pH which is a bit on the low side.

Off to bed now I have an early start in the morning so I will take a look and see what I can come up with when I get to the office :lol:
What skimmer do you have deltec mce 600? mc 500 ? 300?

I have got a MC500. Also about to install a Deltec NFP(P) nitrate reactor.

I have been running my old nano tank as well with the hope of doing something with it but never seem to have the time so was thinking of using the sand and live rock from that in the refugium.

Do you need to have a heater in the refugium?

I have taken a look at the mc500 on the tin ter net and some think like this should work with a MM refuge

chamber 1 down flow from the main tank in to a filter sock then 4 to 5 inches of live rock rubble along the bottom ,then a piece of egg crate over the top for the deltech mc 500 to sit on {they need around 10 inch of water depth to operate}
Chamber2 MM and cheato
Chamber 3 bubble stop before return pump
Chamber 4 return pump and heaters ect

I thought it best to try and skimmer before the MM chamber as you don’t want to skimmer off all the benefits of having the MM before the water returns back to the tank, :lol: I have also lowered the water level from chamber 2 across to 10 inch this should allow for any extra water that will back siphon when the return pump stops :crazy: :lol: :good:
Thats brilliant.

Thank you so much for your help.

Ne probs :good:
What size tank are you going to be using as the display tank? And are you planning on getting it drilled
Hi John,

I currently have a 3 foot 250 litre tank. It has been running for a while so can`t get it drilled. I have been advised by the manufacturers that my existing cannister filter is powerful enough for the supply and return to the refugium.

I have just realised who you are and think your current tank is exceptional and I & my wife have really enjoyed watching it develop.

Thanks again.

it is possible to drill a tank while running, just would have to drill it near the top. cant drill some types of glass though
Umm well a couple of options spring to mind...
you could lower the water in the tank and drill the top of the tank Like Ben has said, there’s the hang on refugium, or the option I would properly take if I was in your position would be a over flow box and a custom sump as above for MM, I just think it would look so much better than having a refugium hanging off the back of your tank and I don’t think my nerves would hold up to drilling a hole in a tank that is still wet :rofl:

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