

i lurvs the feesh 3
Oct 26, 2007
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Ok as we all suffer this addiction.. maybe we can all sit bak and talk about what makes us addicted too bettas and how it started!
Oooooo that's going back abit to 1985 when I lived in North Carolina. I got my first red vt Valentine. When I came back to England I got another blue vt Riptide. Then about 2 months ago my friend gave my hubby a tank. So I said if you're having a tank then I want a small one that I can keep a Betta in. We now have 5 tanks, 2 of which are divided and one is a spawning tank.

Hubby's planned community tank is now a sorority tank :lol:

I love the way Bettas interact with you and have real personalities :wub: and they are all so beautiful to watch.
First kept them about 30 years ago as a boy when i had my first community tank. Bought a male fighter who then promptly demolished a complete guppy tail in one bite.

From then on, i've just loved them....i love their arrogance... Strutting up and down with that pugnacious look on their faces is just fantastic. However, it wasn't until a month ago when i realised i had some spare tanks and a very bland hopefully today, i'll have 10 males and 7 females plus about 100, 3 week old babies.
I've always loved the way bettas looked, but as far as I can remember, never owned one.
Then a couple of years ago, fiance got a tank for Xmas.
I did alot of research on different fish we could possibly get, and one I wanted was a betta.
I went to different sites reading up about them, reading people's experiences w/ them etc and just fell in love with the stories people told.
Fiance however didn't want to get a betta for the tank though b/c of the fish he wanted.
So.. no betta for me for a little while.
He had to go out of town for work and left me some money for food... well.. that money ended up buying me a 10gallon aquarium kit from petsmart :p lol
And eventually after I had thought the tank had cycled (it hadn't -_- ).. I eventually got my first 2 bettas... Afia and Raj (RIP to both of them).

And yep... that's how I got into it heh. I can't have all of the bettas that I want, but I'm very happy with my current lil guys and gals :)
Maybe after we've moved and settled in, I'll be able to get more tanks :D
I got hooked about 5 years ago, I had a figure of 8 puffer in a tank by itself. I loved him but something got in the water and killed it. I was so upset I set the tank up again but didnt put anything in. Then whilst in a fish place talking to someone I found a blue vt and fell in love with him. I then realised I could split the tank so got another. :crazy: I then discovered a cheap supply of plastic tanks and realised I could stack them and started rescuing bettas. I now try not to rescue unless I am sure they have a chance as it is too upsetting.....I currently only have 11 male/female bettas, 1 gsp, 4 fancy goldfish and 10 or 11 in a pond. :blush:
my flare for bettas (scuse the pun) only realy started when i discovered there was other varieties other than VT, all i had known was VT males and i knew nothing about the different tail types. then i got my first pk pair from pets at home and i was hooked! I just love plakats and halfmoons, lol and of course hmpk :lol:

i currently have 4 males, one PK one VT one CT and one HM. 6 females, one delta the rest PKs. and i have about 50+ fry with another spawn soon to be set up
i dont have an addiction, i only have what i call a healthy interest, i only really own 1 betta so to speak, ive got a couple of breeders but they arent my bettas, they are for shows later on.

dont no when all this started really,
Well the thing is, you can buy all you want! And it is not like they are going through 'puppy days' I mean, bettas don't pee on your new white carpet!

I would call it a healthy interest aswell :D haha. I am sure I could stop if it was totally necessary, though maybe not.... :lol:
Just bought this today....48 x 18 x 12...for £15 :good:


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Crikey that's fab :drool: .....where did you manage to find that one??
When I left for college, fish were the only pets we could have in the dorms. I went to a pet store and asked what kind of fish I could keep in just a bowl without a filter, and I was told only bettas and goldfish (now I know that goldfish shouldn't even be in bowls!). I had never been that interested in bettas, but I watched them for a while and saw that they had a lot of personality, so I bought a couple of them. When I got home, I got on the internet to find out how to care for them, and saw all the colors and tail types that were available... and I was hooked. My first spawn followed soon after.

I'm addicted to the huge variety of colors, patterns, and fins, and I love their personalities. They just seem to be really smart and curious compared to most other fish. The thing that strikes me the most is that often if you put a new object next to their tank (like a soda can) they become very interested in checking it out.
The thing that strikes me the most is that often if you put a new object next to their tank (like a soda can) they become very interested in checking it out.

I absolutely LOVE watching them inspect new objects. It's so interesting and funny how they can just eyeball (and sometimes nip if it's in the tank with them) at something new. They're such curious little creatures.

It always surprises me to read about someone who finds bettas boring. I know it's all different tastes and preferences, but I've never owned a boring betta lol.
I got started for the same reason as Bubblenester. In my 3rd year of college, after I left home and went to a University a couple hours away. I decided I wanted to keep a fish, as it's one of the few pets allowed on campus. Well my Dad and Grandfather both bred livebearers and I have kept a couple tanks over the years that didn't go so well due to my lack of knowledge :blush: . So i decided to avoid that this time. I read up for about two weeks and found that the only two fish I could keep without a heater of filter was Bettas and Paradise Gouramis. Well Paradise fish need a 5-10 gallon for themselves, so they were out. So I joined this forum, read the posts to get some more personalized input and more experience based info. And here I am a little over a year later with 5 male bettas and I still have Alpha Betta, the one I bought to keep me company at school. :D
The thing that strikes me the most is that often if you put a new object next to their tank (like a soda can) they become very interested in checking it out.

I absolutely LOVE watching them inspect new objects. It's so interesting and funny how they can just eyeball (and sometimes nip if it's in the tank with them) at something new. They're such curious little creatures.

my yellow pk attacks the light on his heater when it switches on :lol:

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