Fish Crazy
I'm absolutely furious! I put three new plants in my tank that I got from my lfs today. And after 10 minutes my cherry shrimp were going crazy and swimming all over the place, they all came to the surface and were literally trying to climb out the tank. I rinsed the plants before I put them in my tank but could it be that they possibly had some sort of fertilizer on them that contained copper? I've literally lost my entire cherry shrimp collection that I've built up for well over a year! They are all dying. I was scooping them from the sides of the tank and have put them in some fresh water with declorinator to see if any will survive. I'm not getting my hopes up though. I've got the tub floating on the tank, I'm going to leave it there over night. I can't believe how quickly they started going crazy and then just dieing. I've tested the water and it all come back normal. Does anyone else know what might have happened?