Akasha72 said:wouldn't that be alkaline Eagles? Acidic means it should drop the pH/gH/kH - Alkaline would raise it? I admit to being confused by this too but suspect Byron may have hit upon something in that it may have been used previously and had soaked up something that's causing it now to leech it back out
Well, that's exactly what my original hypothesis was.
If its just wood, then the 'leaching' stuff is tannins, aka tannic acid, (and that's where the dark coloring in the bucket is coming from). That's what's so baffling about this. In other words, its not the 'wood', but something that's in the wood that's causing this. The question is: What is it? And where did it come from?
I'm almost wondering if this 'driftwood' was found in a saltwater marsh or something...