Here are some of mine. This is a cool thread, made me smile.
I've had some recent losses as well. I lost one of Synirr's men, Hagen, to an accident with a plant, soon after I arrived in Miami. He seemed fine when I went to bed and when I woke up, he was dead, stuck to a plant and apparently he drowned.
The second loss made me more upset. I always doted on my B. imbellis here. I loved them and thought they would be alright in a minimally stocked 15g with a timed feeder. I told the person who was caring for them to never remove the plastic wrap, since they are jumpers. 6 weeks went by and I came back to an algae ridden aquarium, the filter was dry, and the plastic wrap was gone.

I found one imbellis dried on the floor.

I found the other behind the CO2 bubble ladder, alive! But he didn't last long, the stress of losing what was his friend was too much for him and he passed.

I will always remember my little wild men. They were great fish.
All is not bad, though, my mother found this fish at a LFS after Hagen died and bought if for me. She's so sweet. His name is Siegfried and is very cute and a great bubble nester.
And just for kicks since this is supposed to be a happy thread and I made it a downer, my apologies, I have a picture of my favorite, Loge.
Obviously, these aren't all of my bettas, but that would just take forever.