Add fish or re-home tigers?

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Ditch the little troublemakers. I had them years ago in a 55 gallon tank, and all I can remember is things did not end well for some of my other fish.
Just feed my Tigers and told them about your comment, they gave you the flipper :hyper:

Hard choice with Tigers as a large school creates a dramatic display, get rid of them and your tank turns into a glorified TV screensaver :) But I would never mix Gouramis and Tigers together. I have a 20 and 29 gallon tank to setup in the future, I may setup a Gourami tank. But I do like active fish, I am now working on my next display tank for fish worse then Tiger Barbs, an African Mbuna tank!
Just feed my Tigers and told them about your comment, they gave you the flipper :hyper:

Hard choice with Tigers as a large school creates a dramatic display, get rid of them and your tank turns into a glorified TV screensaver :) But I would never mix Gouramis and Tigers together. I have a 20 and 29 gallon tank to setup in the future, I may setup a Gourami tank. But I do like active fish, I am now working on my next display tank for fish worse then Tiger Barbs, an African Mbuna tank!
I guess I'm the "glorified tv screensaver" type of fishkeeper. :fish: I want a group of fish that school well together, but nothing chaotic. Years ago I had a bala shark in a 55 gallon that was bonkers (wouldn't do that again) , and I was tempted to flush him!
I guess I'm the "glorified tv screensaver" type of fishkeeper. :fish:
I hope you didn't take offense to my comment, I am just being snarky.

For my 29 gallon tank, I want German Blue rams and a couple of Angel fish (tank may be to small), nice and peaceful. In the future, I could love to do a 75 gallon tank with just Angels. Check out this tank The Ultimate Angelfish Aquascape
I hope you didn't take offense to my comment, I am just being snarky.

For my 29 gallon tank, I want German Blue rams and a couple of Angel fish (tank may be to small), nice and peaceful. In the future, I could love to do a 75 gallon tank with just Angels. Check out this tank The Ultimate Angelfish Aquascape
Not at all! I should have put a smiley face instead of the fish. :)
I hope you didn't take offense to my comment, I am just being snarky.

For my 29 gallon tank, I want German Blue rams and a couple of Angel fish (tank may be to small), nice and peaceful. In the future, I could love to do a 75 gallon tank with just Angels. Check out this tank The Ultimate Angelfish Aquascape
I'm aiming for:
1 or 2 GBRs
6 sterbai corydoras
school of 10 cardinals or rummynose or ?
maybe a gourami
2-3 nerite snails

I understand that the schooling fish will help the german blue rams feel safe, and I like that all the fish have different behaviors to make the tank interesting, but not chaotic. :)

That's a cool angelfish tank! I think people on here will tell you that your tank is too small for an angelfish, but if you are planning on getting a larger tank in the future, maybe you could start with a small one.

Good luck!
I would LOVE to set up another tank but I think my husband would leave me.
Is your friend interested in some super active beautiful fancy tiger barbs? Lol
If hers decide to declare war on Germany then they’ll need all the help they can get. Tiger Barb D-Day minus who knows and counting. Ship em over.
Ok, so my husband is taking the tigers for his 40 gallon at work. YAY!!!!
I'll miss the buggers but I won't miss the little nips I get every time I clean the tank. Those suckers pinch!
I now want to get the appropriate size groups for the remaining fish and need your help.

I have:
2 Pearl Gourami
2 Boesemani Rainbowfish
1 Bristlenose Pleco
2 Roseline Sharks
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Where did everyone go ?
Was hoping to get some advice on how many to add to each group. Hope I didn't offend anyone?
Rainbows need to be in schools of 6 or more. Roseline sharks??. A 75g tank is alot of water what do you like. Angels maybe or large schools of tetras, I love Black Phantoms or lemons. What are you thinking?
I want to increase what I already have. So the sharks, gouramis, and rainbows. Unless you guys think I can increase those three AND add a different type of fish?
I also want to change my substrate before adding more fish. I have rather large stones and the plants don't seem to be thriving. I thought it's best to do that before adding fish. Any recommendations on the best substrate to switch too? I don't use co2 and don't plan to.
The Black Phantoms look cool. I wonder if I can increase the existing fish AND add some black phantoms? That may be overkill though.
I would increase those 3 schools, and see how they do.

I use PFS (pool filter sand) for substrate, looks good, clean, grows plants well, and inexpensive, around $7 for a 50# bag


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