Add Algae Eater To Betta Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2011
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Eastern U.S.
Hi I have a male betta in a five gallon tank. He lives happily by himself, constantly building bubble nests and flaring at me :) He has been in his tank for about 8 months.

I keep the light on a lot (can't help it, I like to see him, and someone is always awake in the house, it seems), so algae control is a constant problem.

Can I add anything to his tank to help out, like an apple snail or something, or will he munch on it? He's definitely shown himself to be an aggressive fish, more so in recent days.

Sounds like you know what the issue is already. Rather than adding anything to try and help solve your problem I'd try to work on the problem itself, which as you already know is to reduce the lighting.
Do you have many real plants in the tank?
Bettas will sometimes nip at the eyes of snails, other times they might flare a bit the accept them. What I am saying is you don't know until you try. You could also try looking at the smaller species of algae eating fish, quite often bettas share their tanks with these. He sounds like a very happy fish aswell :nod:
what about a small colony of shrimp, i have cheap ones if you want to try them if it doesnt work you wont have spent a fortune and if he tollerates them you could look at some more fancy varities, and they dont add to the bioload and clean a lot so will improve thing for the betta. di :shifty:
As said above, your lighting is the issue. Reduce it to reduce the algae

there is not a single algae eating fish species that i would recommend for a 5gal
my bad on that one then, I am not very well informed on the algae eating fish, Bettas are my thing lol. Surely it must depend on the light that is used as I had a light on in my 100gal tank most of the time and never suffered with algae issues.
Thanks for the replies. Maybe for now I'll just reduce the lighting or clean more often. I feed him brine shrimp sometimes, so if I had a colony of larger shrimp .. maybe he will think they are food and attack them? I don't think the shrimp would survive the trip .. I am in U.S.A.
I have placed a Anicistrus in my Betta's 60ltr tank, as he doesnt eat any algae, the Anicistrus is getting on rather well and is fine with my otherwise agressive Betta. And if/when the Anicitrus gets too big, it will go into my 140ltr tank
I reccomend that you put a bristlenose catfish into the tank, but just upgrade it into a ten gallon tank because that will suit the betta fish more and the bristlenose. But if you dont want to its your choice. :)
I reccomend that you put a bristlenose catfish into the tank, but just upgrade it into a ten gallon tank because that will suit the betta fish more and the bristlenose. But if you dont want to its your choice. :)

Bristlenose are too big for a 10 Gal :/ the best Algae remover is a sponge and you :good: won't even take 5 min on a 5gal, just give it a quick wipe when doing a water change
Hi there. I find my otocilinus ( can never spell it right) is fab in with my betta...cleans the tank really well too. My betta tolerates him too. they are in a 6gallon tank.
A 5 gallon is too small for an oto they are shoaling fish so they require 4 or 3 at the minimum, need a large amount of algae to munch on and require pristine water quality, those are just a few reasons why they aren't suited for a 5 gallon tank.
Um bristlenose do quite well in 10 gallons, because of their small size. Ive kept bristlenose catfish in a ten gal. DONT use the algae removing chemicals, they arent as efficient as those scrubby thingymabobs!

Your choice though

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