Oh wow, it's absolutely gorgeous!! You have such a great eye for aquascaping!! That piece of wood is perfect... was that luck that it's so perfectly sized for this tank, or did you measure it? The shape is wonderful. Can't wait to see how this grows and evolves!
Let me know how you get on with the liliopsis... I'm still struggling with that despite gluing it to moss, but I think that's only because mine is a cory heavy tank! It's otherwise pretty and has stayed healthy and green - my cory pack just manage to loosten the odd leaf here and there that winds up on the surface. Let me know how and where you plant it, please!
Nice! I love my hydrocotyle tripartita (although my poor plant winds up unrooted and moved a lot, so it's survived for years now, but never really had a chance to truly thrive). I want to experiment with other hydrocotyles at some point, so I'm looking forward to seeing how yours does!
This one is new to me, haven't seen it before, it's lovely!
My buces came from trimmings from another hobbyist, but also looked a bit rubbish when I just had them pinned down loosely in a tank or floating freely, but once I glued one to the hardscape, it immediately put out new leaves and looks much better really quickly! Hopefully yours does too.
I did try them, filled with gravel under the sand when I was setting up, but because it's just gravel and sand, they were getting uncovered too easily. It's super hard to create slopes or hills when sand does tend to level out over time without buttressing it with hardscape, and since my tank is mainly for cories and plecs, I realised they'd be uncovering the bags all the time, so I didn't wind up using them in the end. Glad I didn't, because the cories already have the sand evened out!
However! I do still plan to use them in the future, and I know it could work if someone like you is doing it, and you're using soil to cover the bags and then sand. That, along with carefully placing the hardscape (and not having digging fish that like to rearrange the substrate!) I'm sure it can work well!

I really want to use soil in my next tank (have a 20g just waiting to be scaped and have my pygmies moved to it, and I'd like a soil area bank/hill for planting, held steady with hardscape, then a lot of fine sand for the cories to eat and hang out. Any recs for soil that works well, but doesn't spike ammonia?
I would love it if you made youtube vids about this project! The whole office planning with the tanks and plants sounds really fun, and I think a lot of us could learn a lot. You know a great deal, but never act like you're an expert either and don't talk down to people. I'd subscribe in a heartbeat.