Actual Conversation With Salesperson In Lfs.

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Fish Crazy
Jul 6, 2013
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Me: I want to buy a snail for my tank
LFS dude: You can get these ones *points to tank*
Me: Can't some snails reproduce with themselves?
LFS dude: [dramatic arm movements] What are you talking about?! Can you reproduce with yourself? Of course they can't! No animal can do this!
The thing that got me was, he was so adamant and just plain rude about it.
What a muppet! 

Malaysian Trumpet Snails can for example.
Female mystery snails can store male sperm for months.
Really, quite a lot of snails can do this actually.
Tell you what, you do a bit of research, print out a single nice sheet of paper with a few facts about snails breeding by themselves etc then give the same dude your research paper and leave without saying a word.
Then after that, the next time you go back, politely ask the same snail question, see what he says.
Thats what I would do to be honest. lol 
Lol that's not true, I know for one stick insects can! males are rare in certain species so the female can lay fertile eggs all by herself, some aquatic snails are hermaphrodites but you still need two in order to produce young, with apple snails you actually need a male and female 
Arrogance, ignorance and just blatent stupidity. These are the qualities that makes up an unfortunately large proportion of LFS workers...

Tek oot.
Wow did they even go to school!? I learnt about asexual reproduction in year 10 (I was 14) silly people :p
Try a single ramshorn. They can have beautifully colored shells.

We'll see whose tank will be full of snails...For some reason my LFS keep getting snail infestations but then when I ask them about it they'll charge me to get rid of them.
haleem8777 said:
Simple Answer is to find a polite and better LFS 
Yes!! I have been there twice, the first time this guy was rude to me but I went back nonetheless... the last time.!
DreamertK said:
Try a single ramshorn. They can have beautifully colored shells.

We'll see whose tank will be full of snails...For some reason my LFS keep getting snail infestations but then when I ask them about it they'll charge me to get rid of them.
Same story for my LFS it always had snail infection.But i did not know and i thought they where products so i asked him how much and he gave me 10 for £2.50 
I really want an apple snail but now there's a ban on selling them :( any suggestions for a good snail for my tank?
There isn't a ban on selling them just importing them, plenty for sale on ebay via hobbyists 
 reason being they have become an invasive species in certain areas due to people releasing them in water courses, though not the UK as of yet seeing as they are a tropical species I can't see them ever becoming established in the UK lol but global warming and all that.... they are still banned from being imported now and an LFS in the UK cannot sell them but plenty of people in the UK still keep and breed them at home so they are still readily available and probably will continue to be until there is a ban on hobbyists selling too!
The EU have banned apple snails due to those which have been released in Spain wiping out native species, despite the fact that there are many countries in the EU, including the UK, which are just too cold for apple snails to be able to survive
Yeah, the ban is in the UK. I see there are ads on websites like gumtree, Freeads and eBay for people selling them but they are always too far from me! :( some people are sending them by Royal Mail but is that not a bit risky/ cruel?? :/
Daphnia have two modes of sexual reproduction. Normally the females just produce clones of themselves. Then when the population is crashing, or rapidly falling due to conditions, the females switch to producing a few males, which will hopefully live on to spread genes later in the year when conditions improve.

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