Acting Weird


Fish Addict
Aug 9, 2004
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I recently moved the other male from my breeding tank into a smaller tank.
He by himself and he always has half his head sticking out the water?!?! is this bad? the tank is FULL of algea so i thought he might like it, but he aint looking to happy.
Is there aeration? Sounds like low oxygen levels--algae is particularly bad about depleting it.
did the tank have any fish in it in the meantime - it might be ammonia poisoning

bung him back in his tank - but if the eggs get abandoned - set that tank up (after a good clean and tidy up) as a breeder tank and move the eggs instead - aslong as there is flow in the breadertank the eggs will be fine without the dad.

We've had to do that for both spawns so far - at different stages in the raising process.
So i need to put the male back into the original tank (30") and start the breeding tank in the (18"). Isnt that abig small??

I also looked on a website and they said that if you leave the spawn in wwith the breeding pairs, its slows the breeding down, i dont know if that is true or not.
I think you need to explain what you ment to me again :p
we have a small 12"x8x8 tank that we use for breeding (its got snails in at the moment)

i had to syphon the eggs out of the tank when they started getting eaten and i put them in the small one - they then hatched and grew up... when the next spawn went wrong again, the first fry were big enough to be put in a main tank and the new fry again went in the small tank.

if you do the same your re homed male can go back home (is he any better today?)

after a few trys they will get the process right and you wont have to worry.

I'd add some tubes to the tank (blocked at one end) too so they can defend the eggs easily.
Alright i think i am gonna do that, after all they will breed again if anything goes wrong.
Thanks for that.

My male still looks sick, but hes getting better.

So are you saying that i just put the eggs by themselves? (without their dad and ne thing else)?
My male wont let me near the eggs, i am worried hes gonna be unhappy if i take them.

The problem i am faces right now is that i just dont wanna stuff anything up, I have been wating SO long for them to breed, they have finally done it and i dont wanna ruin ne thing
I just Put the male along with the eggs in the small tank, it has a good flow cept it has ALOT of crap in it as i thought the babies would like to eat it (my crayfish used to live there).

Should i take the male out? or leave him in?

Also, the eggs were out of the water for not even a second, would that effect them at all?
When you say "CRAP" do you mean food? If that is the case, you should remove them as the fries when they hatch, don't need any food for the frist week or so when the still have the york. I have difficulty keeping them alive mainly due to the myself not being able to provide clean enough environment. You will need to do lots of small water change and feed small quantities more frequently...
Well i dont think they are even gonna hatch, they got no dad now, i have been stuffing round with them all day trying to do wots best for them but i cant. they will lay eggs again like next week sometime my other female is still pregnant.

I took my eggs outa the water, does that mean they will die? not for long tho, not even a second
You might still be able to hatch them yourself by providing a good current with lots of O2. That is essentially what the daddy bristlenose does.
Yeah not to worry bout that, i got a good current and alot of oxygen.

I took the eggs outa the water to move them, not even for a second, will that effect them?

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