I know where you live
So, in the U.S. we take a test our Junior year of Highschool (11th grade), called the ACT. The maximum score is a 36, and to get that you have to be like a child prodigy. The average I believe is a 22. The ACT is really helpful for college as far as saving money goes. I have been told each ACT point after like 24 is another 5 thousand off college. It's also how you get into college. So, naturally, schools and student freak out about it. People take practices, and prep classes ect. I did not. I did not study or anything. I just walked in and took it. I received a 28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Girlfriend is super smart, and she studied and everything, and she received a 26. I feel bad though, as she really cares, I do not (well, as much). I sleep in class a lot, and torment my teaches (never get in trouble though). I just glide through classes with a 3.0 GPA. Well, she does better than I do, and she studies and pays attention, and cares. So I feel bad now. Anywho, I GOT A 28!