Acid Yellow Male Betta

The Gold Leaves are very Nice especially when i turn on the red lights I have installed as well as the underwater Lights.

The Gold Leaves Attract the Gourami, its the only way I get to see them, they play in the leaves.
Oh I am removing the Current Background and replacing with pic number 4 in the link.

will create caves in it for the Gourami and Cats and Kuhlis and Algae Eaters.

As I have been told will make lots af differeing sizes so that each fish has somewhere it can go.

I am going to cover it in Sticky Back Pea Gravel. They sell it at A5.
Or Should I Leave it Black.

Pond Carcass
Do your Bettas live permanently in barracks? :blink:

My betta has a 10L tank with a rock and plants. :lol:
I must admit his girlfriend is in a jar in the tank with him... although she is only a small baby and will be moved in a week. :p

I'm going Betta shopping next week so I might post some Aussie Betta piccies in the forums. :shifty:

All My bettas spend some time in the Barracks.

I alternate which are in the tank and which are in the barracks.

The Best Thing about them bewing in the barracks is they are constantly suppiles fres filteres water from the cascade i installed.

Another Plus is that their fins are able to develop with outt the fear of being nipped.

Do a search and you will see my Rota For the Inhabitants of the Barracks.

Have had Only 1 Casualty from the barracks. That was my Own Fault though,Blue.

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