Acf Have Breeded


New Member
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Kent, England
Hi there,

My pair of ACF's have recently mated twice in which hundreds of small white eggs are now in my tank.

Anyway through analysing my tank I have found 1 tadpole from the first batch, whats best to do with it?

Does anyone know any good ways to ensure the eggs "hatch" while furthermore the tadpoles remain safe. I tried isolating the tadpole in a breeding tank within the tank but it began looking disorientated and started to loose its balance.

My tank is approx 20gal and is full of thick vegetation.

Any info would be appreciated


I would say move the eggs in with the tadpole. Thats the best advice I can give you. Sorry Good Luck :good:
Hi there,

My pair of ACF's have recently mated twice in which hundreds of small white eggs are now in my tank.

Anyway through analysing my tank I have found 1 tadpole from the first batch, whats best to do with it?

Does anyone know any good ways to ensure the eggs "hatch" while furthermore the tadpoles remain safe. I tried isolating the tadpole in a breeding tank within the tank but it began looking disorientated and started to loose its balance.

My tank is approx 20gal and is full of thick vegetation.

Any info would be appreciated


I'm not an African Clawed Frog expert but I'd say move the majority of the eggs in with the tadpole and maybe leave some in your original tank, since there is thick vegetation I'd think the tadpoles would do fine. But dont take my word for it because I've never kept ACF's, but thats just what i would do. Hope it goes well

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