Accidental Peppered Cory baby


Fish Gatherer
Aug 4, 2020
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I say accidental because I just left them to it & didn't realise there was a baby until this week :rofl:

It's so teeny but getting more brave & coming out more from it's hiding spots.


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Babies are always great and even better if you didn’t plan for them all the work done already lol
This one is very cute & teeny. It's my first egg baby too!
Hooray!! Excellent stuff, you have very happy fish! Thought you only had bronze?
Hooray!! Excellent stuff, you have very happy fish! Thought you only had bronze?

I've bronze Cory in my other tank. 11 of them, loadsssssssssss of eggs but no babies. I haven't given it a proper effort though. The peppered I only have about eh i can't actually tell time in lockdown but i think I got them in January.
Congrats, unexpected cory fry are always fun to find...
What a "Nice" surprise to see Mother Nature at work.
Happened to me about a year after I picked some up (female and 2 males). They were in In a 55g Planted Community with Angels, Rams and SAEs. I would see eggs from time to time, then one day 2 babies about 1/2' in size showed up. Very surprised they survived.
Excellent,I have 5 female & only 1 male in my cory crew. Never found any eggs but they do the chasing a few times a day & then the females pursue the male but i guess he has trouble keeping 5 females happy, Im going to add a few more males after my Parasites have gone ?
Excellent,I have 5 female & only 1 male in my cory crew. Never found any eggs but they do the chasing a few times a day & then the females pursue the male but i guess he has trouble keeping 5 females happy, Im going to add a few more males after my Parasites have gone ?
My cories & other fish usually eat all the eggs!
Well i dont know if this is my problem too. Maybe i am not catching them fast enough, But some of my Corys were still young, its only the last month or 2 they seem to have grown fairly quick & now its clear to distinguish males & females. The only male i have is now 5 years old
(ive had him since he was very very young & was bought in a pair to join my older corys at the time, but his tankmate died after a couple of years, Then the older Corys died off at around 10 yrs old)
so i dont even know he is up to the job of fertilization
But going back a few months i had a pair of Bronze that i bought from my LFS where i have gone for 20 yrs but soon as i dropped them in, i knew something was very wrong, 1 died within a few weeks & the other is still here & makes up my group of 6.
Looking back though when they were first added i noticed flicking then but failed to do anything, now ive had a spell of Costia so i guess they are not happy enough to lay eggs right now
Did your Costia resolve? I had a persistent problem with this a while back and after trying a few different treatments Paragard worked. I treated for 3 weeks at 75% dose (50% for the first few days)
Not sure yet im only about a week into it, I have been dosing with salt rather than meds & it is definatly improving, The twitching has almost stopped & the red blotches where the corys had been bitten have gone, So going to do another week with the salt & see what happends, I am going to do a huge water change tomorrow then re dose the salt

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