Accidental Fish

- Jez -

Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2006
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I've just brought my first betta home and when I let him out into his tank, a glass cat sailed merrily out alongside him. So here I am, researching how to look after the little stowaway and it got me thinking: What's the best or most interesting fish you've ever inadvertantly brought home?
I bought some ghost shrimp and some strange little minnow-like fish came out with them. He was cute! He must've been a feeder fish and just hopped into the ghost shrimp tank. He lived for a good 6 months. :)
I have two glowlight rasboras that hitched a ride in with my blue emperor tetras. I feel guilty about them because they stick together and would probably like some friends - but I haven't seen any for sale since (it was a not so local lfs I was visiting - the assistant was an elderly gent - whose eyesight is obviously worse than mine :S )
A talking catfish, my lfs sells the wood that they have in the display tanks and when i got the wood home went to give it a wash under the tap and there he was in a little crevice. That was about 4 months ago and to this day i have only seen him swimming around once, about 2 in the morning when i went for a glass of water, i know he is still alive because he flicks at the peppermint plec to get him off the wood when he gets to close.
Next time i went back had a look at the price and they cost £10.00 :good:
I've just brought my first betta home and when I let him out into his tank, a glass cat sailed merrily out alongside him. So here I am, researching how to look after the little stowaway and it got me thinking: What's the best or most interesting fish you've ever inadvertantly brought home?

Glass Cats are a shoaling fish so if you can get a couple more :)
i once bought 5 tetras and i really got 7, not complain tho. another time i went to go buy some pygmy cories and ended up with shrimp aswell, unfortunly the shrimp didnt make it :-( one fish shop i visit all you ahve to do if talk to the fish catcher and he gets put off, once i bought 3 platies and the casher only charge me for 2, he must have forgot
I bought four lemon tetras over two years ago and in the bag with them was a tiny Von Rio tetra that got caught in the net with them. The funny thing is that the lemon tetras have all died, jumped out for some reason, and now my Von Rio tetra is the oldest fish I own! Pretty good deal for a free fish.
I was buying some mollies, and when I got them in the bag I noticed a little baby mollie, I was very happy that day :p .
Still kinda an accadental by the people in the lfs but not a free fish.
Someone once got the price mixed up (very badly) on a Royal plec I was buying. Instead of charging me £30, it was £0.30!
Beautiful little guy, irritatingly got killed by a harlequin shark a year or so ago.
You will find that your glass cat will probly swim against the current alot.When i had some thats all they did all day.It's fascinating to see there skeleton scructure though.Btw they are pretty easy to keep fish but i would reccomend having atleast 6...Hmm most fascinating fish stowaway i got,must of been the arrowana which they gave me by axident!

Only jking ,i think it must have been a guppy fry
had my first one 3 weeks ago, got the g/f to pick up 2 amano shrimp when she was out , she got the shrimp and a little silver tipped tetra came free lol
Not fair, I've never had an accidental freebie. Maybe the odd extra platy/tetra dropped in by mistake, but nothing completely unexpected. Pah.
Only thing I've gotten is bad counting when I purchase larger groups of minnows, like I'll buy 40 minnows and get 45, but nothing really good, almost got a jag cichlid when I bought my cons, because he was small and in the same tank, but the lady noticed him in there =( darn.
my dad thought he got a free fish once, i gave him my old tank and some fish with it, anyway he went out and bought sum planted bogwood for it he got home set it up then i got a phone call "you know that bogwood i bought its got a catfish in it" m,y dad made up after that. next day i go round look at the catfish "dad that fish has been in that tank for 4 years!" lol ruined it for him i think :lol:

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