Accidental F2...

Thanks Joby. This spawn I can definitely see some major size differences already. about 20% of them are half the size of the biggest. This may be an early appearence of some plakats - I'm due some in the F2. Or it could be some are simply weaker, or some thing else.
Go little babies :flex:

So good when they get their fins in as they start to look like fish instead of a blob with eyes :lol:
How large are they right now, about an inch or smaller? My female betta looks A LOT like that and I got her about a month or two ago. She still has the vertical lines like your babies due and I was scared she was unhealthy. Is she just super young? She looks exactly like your babies, but red and about an inch long.
My biggest are over an inch, smallest are about 2/3 of an inch. I would guess your girlie is young, but the horizontal lines (vertical are up and down, usually indicating a female is ready for breeding) you see in young fish such as these are what we call stress lines, so I can see how you might be concerned. They're normal in babies, and occasionally in adult fish.

Feed her well, get her growing. Congrats on your new girlie! It's possible she's just a slow grower, or a bit runty. Has she grown at all since you got her?
Nope. This spawn was truly, truly a disaster. They are all ventralless, they're tiny (Really tiny - they look like they're less then a month old, and they're over 2 months!) I don't know what I'm going to do with them.

Still figuring out why. They were belly sliders, and the only fish that started in a glass aquarium.

For my next spawn, whenever that may be, I've decided I'm going to try using sand substrate. I have a theory I want to test out. A couple of them, actually. It's going to be a very different spawn for me.
cation said:
My biggest are over an inch, smallest are about 2/3 of an inch. I would guess your girlie is young, but the horizontal lines (vertical are up and down, usually indicating a female is ready for breeding) you see in young fish such as these are what we call stress lines, so I can see how you might be concerned. They're normal in babies, and occasionally in adult fish.

Feed her well, get her growing. Congrats on your new girlie! It's possible she's just a slow grower, or a bit runty. Has she grown at all since you got her?
I meant horizontal not vertical. I've been so worried about her I don't even know what I am typing. :p No, she has not grown at all since we've brought her home from the LPS. My little sister bought here while I worked there about 2 months ago and when that batch of females came in, most of them died but I don't know what of. They were really small when they came in so I was guessing they were just too young and they were stressed from the trip here. The one we picked out was actually the biggest in the store. She seems much happier now that I moved her to her own 10 gallon. I just added a bunch of java fern and some more caves. :thumbs:
She may just end up being a tiny girl then. Nothing wrong with that.

I'm glad she's feeling more relaxed. Sounds like you're setting up a castle for her! I bet she's loving it! ;)
cation said:
She may just end up being a tiny girl then. Nothing wrong with that.

I'm glad she's feeling more relaxed. Sounds like you're setting up a castle for her! I bet she's loving it! ;)
Yea I am constantly checking the water temp as I don't want her to get too cold/hot. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and came back in my room and couldn't find her! I was so scared she jumped out or something, but she was hiding behind all the java fern I added and checking out the rainbow cave. :lol: I also added huge marbles in there. She swam up to one and she could see her reflection in it. She looked so amazed and amused! She would stare at herself for like 5 minutes then swim around the marble and kept swimming around and around for awhile! She is such a character now that she is alone in her 10 gallon. I think she needs a few friends though. Can't wait to see what happens when I add the other females. If they get too aggressive I can stick them in the 29 gallon community tank for now. Then when my 120 gallon cycles I will stick all the fish from the 29 gallon into the 120 gallon and leave the female bettas in the 29 gallon I suppose. :dunno:
awww shame they didn't turn out better for you

Will be interesting to see how you go with sand :)

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