Acceptable Foods For Corydoras


Mostly New Member
Jan 4, 2016
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Hello! I have just recently adopted some Corydoras
, and I could use some advise on feeding them.
I know they are scavengers and will find food that my Betta misses, but he seldom misses anything. I want to be sure that they are eating and are as healthy as possible. I could buy sinking fish pellets (which I'm 100% willing to do), but I have sinking aquatic frog pellets left over from when I had African Dwarf Frogs. I have tried doing research on what goes into these in comparison to the sinking fish food pellets and have had no luck.
Would the frog pellets be okay for them to eat? Should I purchase the fish food pellets? What fish food should I purchase?
Side Note: My Corydoras are eating the Betta's flakes right now. I will not be introducing my Betta to their tank until I am sure they are clear of any infections (Walmart fish :/ )
I feed my corydoras Mega One: Veggie Rounds and Omega One: Protein Pellets. And seaweed if it makes it to the bottom.
They all love it and swarm the food, make sure you look at the nutrient facts before buying it. Avoid foods with soy and other fillers. I think a combination of veggie based foods and protein supplements are ideal.
I feed mine New Life Spectrum pellets all my fish eat NLS, Omega 1 Betta flakes,  Kens veggie sticks with calcium, and an assortment of frozen foods.
I know they are scavengers and will find food that my Betta misses, but he seldom misses anything.
This is another of those myths that have been around the hobby, and one that is totally untrue.  Corydoras fish have specific diets, and they cannot subsist on scraps.  Usually they will not eat flake food that has landed on the substrate anyway, so if yours are, it may be out of desperation.  Just so you (and others reading) know.
Sinking foods specifically intended for substrate feeders are what you want to feed corys.  [I cannot offer much on the frog pellets, as I've no idea what may be in them, and the age may be an issue.]  Both previous posts have good suggestions.  I prefer a variety, so I use three different foods alternated (a different one each day for three days, then repeat, etc) and presently am using the Omega One Veggie Rounds, Nutrafin Tabs (these have earthworm meat, which corys love and can use) and Omega One shrimp pellets.
Frozen foods were mentioned, and these are nice as treats.  Frozen bloodworms are usually appreciated by all fish, but should only be fed once a week due to high fat content.  Live worms if your local fish store gets them would be another treat.
Thanks! All great stuff!
Byron said:
I know they are scavengers and will find food that my Betta misses, but he seldom misses anything.
This is another of those myths that have been around the hobby, and one that is totally untrue. 
I had no idea that flake food wasn't within their diet. I did a ton of research and very frequently saw that flake food was fine. Although, a lot of people do insist that scraps are fine as well, and that wasn't going to happen and isn't happening now. They're my babies and deserve more than just "living". Thank you for letting me know :) I'll be picking up appropriate food for them in the morning. 
Mine also like sinking carnivore pellets but they love the NLS pellets, and its quite funny watching them munch on Kens veggie sticks all 6 try to eat the same pellet,

Ken's Premium Vegetable Sticks With Calcium - Ken's Fish
 Try these my BN's love them so do my Mystery snails, shrimp Kuhli Loaches and even my Mollies and Platys enjoy them.
I feed my cories New Era (recently changed their name to Vitalis) catfish pellets but I don't know if they are available outside of the U.K. I also drop in a New Era/Vitalis plec pellet for my BN and SAE's and the cories will finish it off if there's any left.
I would agree that they won't eat flake - I've well over 20 cories and I've never seen them eat any flake that makes it to the substrate.
Mine will also tuck into bloodworms, artemia, or any other frozen foods that I add - that's if any make it to the substrate. I do try to make sure they get some but with two greedy angels in my tank it's not easy to get the frozen stuff to them.
I add courgette and cucumber for my BN and SAE's and I have seen the cories snuffling near it but I've never actually seen them eat any
Far_King said:
How does the New Era compare to the JMC stuff?
I wouldn't feed any other food now. My lot love it. The only thing they're not keen on is the flake but my Dad feeds his fish their flake and they love it. I think my lot are just a bit fussy
I'm reluctant to post this as it does link to another forum, but I feel that the content of this particular article should make it an exception.
Basically the above link is a very in-depth analysis of what to look for and what to avoid in fish food ingredients.
I finally see my Sterbai eat, on a JBL NovoTab (sinking tab)


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