Acarichthys Heckelii


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2007
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i havent seen any of theese in the lfs's before and was wondering how common they are?also where i can get the and how much?i say this cos my dad loves cichlids and saw these and now wants some.
if youre interested someone in Nottingham is advertising 3 of these for £20 on Aquarist Classifieds...


It looks like it needs a LARGE tank.

Somewhere around a 48"x15"x12" would be fine for them, that's not really that large compared to many cichlids.

As to the original question, they aren't common, but if you want them enough and try hard you should find some.
Acarichthys heckeli need a tank at least 4ftx18inx18in. They dig and are quite stunning for a cichlid. they were discovered in the early 90s. They eat just about anything and I haven't seen any since the early 90s. From recollection I think they excavate burrows to breed in.
FAMA & TFH magazines did articles on them when they first appeard.
They aren't "that" active to require a 48x18x18. The added height matters little, compared to a 15" or even a 12" tall tank. Ideally, yes, the bigger the better, but a minimum size I feel would be 48x15x12. They don't grow that big.
The ones I had got to about 6 inches long and about 4 inches high. Similar sized to a big firemouth cichlid
A 4" high fish would be fine in 15" tank though. Firemouths are usually said to be fine in a 48x21x13 (or what ever the dimensions are to a 55g). I stand at what I said they'd be fine in a 48x15x12, 48x18x18 would be great yes, but not totally necessary.

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