Acanthaster Planci?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I started reading a book on the Acanthaster Planci, and Its been bothering me.
I was got to the part of the catostophy it is/has been causing amoung coral reefs.
Can this be home aquariums kept? It seems like a very intresting animal, one that should be noted.
I would love any info on these guys, besides the fact that they desrtoy reefs.
I think they grow 12" in diameter, am I correct?

Here's a not-so-very good pic of one.
Google it and find better ones.
I think they can be tank kept, they are hardier than most reef stars. If you chop these buggers up, each piece will grow into a new one if conditions are correct. I believe they grow to about 16''.

I personally think these animals are overabundant in the wild. Keep as many as you want, it wont bother me.
I, personally, want to attempt and culture their predator, the Titan trumpet. Although i do not hate any life form, i think that the crown-of-thorns should be brought to a reasonable number. It is human's fault it is doing this, and it is humans responsibility to keep them in check. In fact, this is the #2 most destructive animal on earth, only humans destroy more. Its all too true.

This outburst of crown-of-thorns could be simply the course of nature. I will wait and see. But for now, i think they should be placed in captivity and studied, so go ahead and keep them. The question is, where will you get them and how much does it cost to feed an animal that only eats expensive coral? :hyper:

P.S., Ethos, we should culture Titan trumpets and Crown-of-thorns, and then have a war! :lol: just kidding.
I would not even consider keepingone. Yes they are interesting but i sure as hell cannot afford the 3 or 4 acro colonies per night (roughly £60 each colony) it wil munch through :crazy: These sorts of animals are reef munchers and thus they need reefs to munch on :sad:
P.S., Ethos, we should culture Titan trumpets and Crown-of-thorns, and then have a war! :lol: just kidding.
Yeah, but where on earth could we have this battle take place? Certianly not in an aquarium, and certianly not in the ocean.
Haha, Maybe we could sneek into a zoo? I don't think they'll care, plus my Crown of Thorns will have abundent food. ;)

The question is, where will you get them and how much does it cost to feed an animal that only eats expensive coral?
I'm sure there's something else they eat. We have bearly had the chance to study them, so what we know is just basic. They've put more effort into killing the poor thing than they have to know about it.

I would not even consider keepingone.
Dont worry, there's no way that I could even afford the salt for a tank large enough to keep one.
:shifty: It'd be a very interesting conversation peice in the dining room though.... ;)

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