Absolute Disaster.

Harlequins are a bit big for this tank, which is why espei rasboras (who look almost identical) would work much better :) An even better choice would be ember tetras as those stay even smaller!

mmm I wonder if that's what mine are then, as I have them in my old 35l biube-the are only about 1" long in the body, but the lfs said they were harlequins :rolleyes: edit: Nope, I just looked them up and espeis are copper coloured, mine are silvery, but the advised tank size is the same for both
Carole x

They are both the same colour under the same lighting when fed the same food, in my experience :) Also my harlequin rasboras all grew from 0.5" to 1.5" in about one month after I bought them.. I hear that they have the potential to grow to 2".

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