Well I just went and got a 24 qt. tub b/c it looked like it would do the job for my first betta spawn ..... The 2 females I got roughly 9 days ago went into conditioning from day one ... They are in betta keepers in a 29 gallon where they have been fed some flakes .... Blood worms (mostley) and bring shrimp ... The reason I have them in there is b/c it has good circulation and th acces food they don't eat drops right through But I am thinking of going ahead and getting some 8 qt. tubs for a couple of females if I really like it .. I have been waiting for a long time ! The female I am going too breed is a smaller beautiful purple color veiltail with a beautiful red male ....... I conditioned the water but wanted too let it sit for a while anyway .. I was planning on putting some fake plants for her should i remove them after spawning ?? but I don't want too disturb the nest all that much .. Will try too post pix any comments welcome