About too spawn


Aug 27, 2004
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Tennessee, USA
Well I just went and got a 24 qt. tub b/c it looked like it would do the job for my first betta spawn ..... The 2 females I got roughly 9 days ago went into conditioning from day one ... They are in betta keepers in a 29 gallon where they have been fed some flakes .... Blood worms (mostley) and bring shrimp ... The reason I have them in there is b/c it has good circulation and th acces food they don't eat drops right through :D But I am thinking of going ahead and getting some 8 qt. tubs for a couple of females if I really like it .. I have been waiting for a long time ! The female I am going too breed is a smaller beautiful purple color veiltail with a beautiful red male ....... I conditioned the water but wanted too let it sit for a while anyway .. I was planning on putting some fake plants for her should i remove them after spawning ?? but I don't want too disturb the nest all that much .. Will try too post pix any comments welcome
good luck, before you breed thogh keep in mind ur going to end up with a lot of fish, make sure ur going to be abale to get rib of them when they are older. veiltails dont tend to be as prized as much as other tail types but i do find them quite beutiful myself, what kind of tail does the male have?
I'm not sure he exact term for the tail but he has very long ventral fins I beleave is what they are called ??? right under the gills ??? anwyas the finn behind that connecting too the "tail fin" Has a nice V in it and the fin on his back is so long it almost goes all of the way too the end of his tail fin very nice finnage ... Yes I am hoing too get a few of my friends too take a few of the larger males and then hopefully I can put the small ones in cups until time too sell ... I have a lfs that I know will take them ...I am prepared for the fry I'm expecting atleast 200 just too be on the safe side ;) .......................Also the female had a big gash in her tail but in the short itme I have had here it is almost fully healed !!! :hyper:
willywonka099 said:
... Yes I am hoing too get a few of my friends too take a few of the larger males and then hopefully I can put the small ones in cups until time too sell ...
Perhaps you should plan a little better. What kind of cups?
Well I was planning on getting some 2-4 quart tubs too house them while they are juvies ... Yes I will get rid of about 20 too people I know already :) also the lfs already said they would take all of them off my hands in portions including the females :hyper:
2-4 quarts is a fine size for housing juvies. :nod: I was worried you meant the tiny betta cups, which are not that great for a growing youngster, but the sizes you are thinking are reasonable. It is a pretty expensive venture, though - lots of quality live and frozen foods, too many water changes to count...do you know what my water conditioner bill alone is up to? :lol:

Anyway, good luck! Let us know how things go. Many of us find it useful and fun to keep a log of our fry and their development in this subforum, hope you post one so we can all read along. Sounds like you are much better prepared this time then you were when you were first discussing it here, which is great. :nod:
Yes I am very glad I did not breed the last time it would have been a disaster .....I was planning on 6 or 7 gallon jugs full of dechlorinated water at any givin time ... I was gwetting a micro worm culture soon and they will have bbs and luquifry ... I like preparing it takes so long that by the time I am ready too spawn I am about too bust with suspense :lol:

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