About To Start Cycle


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Jun 12, 2008
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Just wondering if my flter will effect the cycle as i read it is designed to remove toxic ammonia or is this just with certain media? It's Fluval 305 with carb/them white things with a hole, hoping this wont effect the amount of time needed.

The white things with holes are ceramic rings and are one of the best types of media to have as they provide good surfaces for the bacteria and help randomize the water flow, reducing the possibility of tunneling (water missing out on being filtered.) The carbon is not needed and the space it uses can be better used my more ceramic rings, pebbles or sponge material. Sponges, which normally will be provided in a couple of different types are good and important.

There are sometimes various "ammo-chips" or other type of white stuff provided to chemically reduce ammonia I believe (members help me out here?) and these types of media are definately -not- needed and again, should be replaced so that the space is better used for good biomedia.

The white things with holes are ceramic rings and are one of the best types of media to have as they provide good surfaces for the bacteria and help randomize the water flow, reducing the possibility of tunneling (water missing out on being filtered.) The carbon is not needed and the space it uses can be better used my more ceramic rings, pebbles or sponge material. Sponges, which normally will be provided in a couple of different types are good and important.

There are sometimes various "ammo-chips" or other type of white stuff provided to chemically reduce ammonia I believe (members help me out here?) and these types of media are definately -not- needed and again, should be replaced so that the space is better used for good biomedia.


thanks gunna try buy some ammonia tomorrow if i can find any along-side a decent test kit.
You can get ammonia from Homebase, assuming you're from the UK.

Also make sure you get a liquid kit, the strip ones are rubbish.
All filters are designed to remove ammonia from the water. They do this by culturing colonies of aerobic (requiring oxygen) bacteria that eat the ammonia from fish food and waste. The bacteria eat the ammonia and convert it into nitrite. A few weeks later more aerobic bacteria develop and eat the nitrite converting it into nitrate. Nitrates can be removed from the tank by doing regular partial water changes.

Once a filter has been run for a few weeks it will contain these good bacteria. To prevent the bacteria from dieing you should keep the filter running continuously. When you clean the filter you should wash the materials/media in a bucket of tank water. Once the media is clean you can put it back in the tank. Rinse the filter case and motor out under tap water before reassembling the unit and starting it back up.

As mentioned by Waterdrop there are types of media designed to remove ammonia from the water. It is a small white granulated substance (about the size of course aquarium gravel) called Zeolite or Ammogon. It is not recommended to use this in a normal filter. I don't think the Fluvals come with it.
If you have carbon (black granulated substance) then it will remove chemicals from the water, including plant fertilisers and fish medications. If you want to use plant fertilisers or treat the fish for disease you need to remove the carbon from the filter. A lot of people leave the carbon out and just use ceramic beads/noodles and sponges or filter floss.
Can I also add its important to test your tapwater too. Mine has Nitrates already in it, so I dont worry too much after a waterchange when my test kit picks it up.
great replys guys think ill remove the carbon from the filter and replace with some more ceramic.
That is true regarding the carbon!
Regarding the biological filter, I would suggest the new Micromec (glass balls) to get all sort of bacteria (aerobic + anaerobic in the centre). The last sort of bacteria will remove NO3. Otherwise, go for JBL Bionitratex, extremely powerful against NO3 and it works during 1 year!
I am a german JBL addict :hyper: !

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