About rocks


Fish Herder
Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Niagara, Canada
I've been looking around for information on what rocks are appropriate for an aquarium. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find much except, shale good/limestone bad. What about granite? It's generally composed of quartz, feldspar and mica in various proportions. What other rocks are good or bad? Any geologists out there?
Quartz is ok... Anything inert will work. Ask at your LFS or do a search on suitable rocks for an aquarium on google.
Usually any rock your lfs store sells is ok in an aquarium. Your best bet it to research the type of rock you want. Some raise the ph in your tank so you do want to be somewhat careful.
shadow said:
Some raise the ph in your tank so you do want to be somewhat careful.
I guess that is what I meant. A better question would be: What rocks will raise pH? Which ones will lower it?

I'm specifically interested in granite with a large proportion of feldspar.

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