About how much ?


Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
Tennessee, USA
i was wanting to try my first egg layers and i was wondering what is the avg. price for an Albino Cory us dollars$ ??? and also do u have any good sites/links/advice for sexing corys ???
Theyre usually around $3-$4 here, although I got mine for $1 & $2 at a fish discount place :) Don't know anything about sexing though.
oh well thats cool do you think i could trade a few of my sword fry (once they r born and of length) for 1 or 2 ?? if my LFS wants them ?
It depends on your LFS. If they really need the swordtails and if you sell it to them, you might get store credit. But I doubt a LFS would take in Swords.
The easiest way to tell a male from a female is that the females are larger than the males. From the top and sides. Females are much fatter and longer. Also, I think it's the males that have more of a pointed Dorsal Fin. ;)
I don't know if LFS' would take any kind of live bearer because they are so common and can get them easily from their supplier.
The two local shops here have the albino cory for $2.99 each right now - to sex them I would link the easiest and best was would be to purchase several and put them together for the time being - there are some great sites that talk about how to breed certain cory cats and I think that would be a great place for you to start. We also have a few members that have had successful cory spawnings - someone right now has bronze cory fry and Inchworm has raised many kinds of cory....

Best of luck to you!

willywonka099 said:
well if they wouldnt want swords what live bearer would i have the most luck selling ?
Call and ask them. I have 6 stores trading my mollies. Some will trade for fish only and some is open store credit. But I let them tell me what they want. I got 2 of them now wanting sailfins. Some places will trade if they can get a better deal from you.

And here is a very good story about cory breeding.Cory's

Hope this helped

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